Kurdish parties call for unity against Turkish occupation

The Committee for Studies and Action on the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne and the Joint Diplomacy Committee of Kurdistan Parties called for unity against the new invasion threats of the Turkish state against Rojava and South Kurdistan.


The Committee for Studies and Action on the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, the Joint Diplomacy Committee of Kurdistan Parties and independent personalities met at the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) building in Brussels on Sunday. The meeting was attended by representatives of many political parties, institutions and organizations from the quadripartite Kurdistan.

The meeting decided to make an urgent call due to the increasing threats of the Turkish state against Kurdistan. "We call on all Kurdistan political parties, organizations, institutions and dynamics to unite in the spirit of Newroz, strengthen your national unity and stand against the occupation," the statement said.

The statement pointed out that the Turkish state is preparing a comprehensive operation against Rojava and South Kurdistan, and attention was drawn to the statements and diplomatic initiatives of Turkish officials. It was stressed that the Turkish state wants to destroy the gains of the Kurdish people and disrupt the balance in the region with this preparation of an operation.

It was also stated that since autumn, the Turkish state has turned Iraq into a waterway and threatened Kurdistan in cooperation with the Iraqi government. It was emphasized that these threats are unacceptable and all the people of Kurdistan must stand against these pressures.

Among the decisions taken at the meeting, a call was made for all Kurdistan forces to act together and strengthen national unity against the threats of the Turkish state against Rojava and South Kurdistan. In addition, the Iraqi government was urged to react against the attacks of the Turkish state in Iraq and to end the occupation of the Turkish army.

Finally, participants of the meeting called on the Turkish state to stop its threats and attacks against the people and parties of Kurdistan and to return to the process of peace dialogue and political solution. The meeting also called on the United Nations, the world community and the international community to stop the Turkish state's threats against Kurdistan and to support the Kurdistan people's struggle for freedom.