KCDK-E celebrates Yazidi New Year ‘Çarşema Sor’

The Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe (KCDK-E) celebrated the ‘Çarşema Sor’ festival of the Yazidi people and all humanity.

The Yazidi society celebrates "Çarşema Sor" on 14 April, which marks the beginning of the year. It is one of the most important and oldest holidays of the Yazidis and marks the creation of the earth and the unity of man and nature. As soon as the first rays of sunlight hit the earth on this day, the new year begins, and life awakens from its hibernation.

According to Yazidi tradition, the creation of the earth was completed on a Wednesday. According to legend, the sun's rays touched the earth for the first time and clothed it in a reddish colour - hence the name "Red Wednesday". The Yazidis also believe that the head of the seven Yazidi archangels, Tawisî Melek (meaning "God's angel"), descended to earth for the first time on this day to make the earth habitable for all living beings on God's instructions.

The Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe (KCDK-E) issued a congratulatory message on ‘Çarşema Sor’, wishing that it will be celebrated “in a free Kurdistan, in the days of joy and peace when Shengal regains its status.”

The congratulatory message released by KCDK-E is as follows: "Throughout history, different peoples and beliefs in the Middle East have had many sacred festivals. One of them is Çarşema Sor, the sacred holiday of the Yazidi Kurdish community.

Çarşema Sor, which falls on Wednesday 17 April this year, heralds the revival of nature and good days in a new year, is a day of peace and brotherhood instead of wars and massacres.

According to the Çarşema Sor belief, the threads woven with green, red and yellow colours represent peace and life. It is believed to bring health, peace and fertility. In Çarşema Sor, shedding blood is a sin, life is never taken.

Our Yazidi community is going through a difficult process. Genocide is being imposed with the co-operation of Turkey-KDP and Iraq. In these days, extermination and betrayal attacks against the Yazidi community continue.

The concept of annihilation and betrayal launched against the Kurdish people includes the genocide of the Yazidi community, which carries the oldest historical traditions of the world, and international powers remain silent on this genocide.

As KCDK-E, we wish for days when the Yazidi Kurdish community, one of the most ancient societies of the Middle East, can freely live their belief, their own identity and their holidays.

It is our fundamental duty to defend all of Kurdistan, especially Shengal, against the occupation and extermination campaign launched by the genocidal Turkish state and the treacherous cooperation provided by the KDP.

We are aware of the fact that the Yazidi people are targeted by the genocidal Turkish state and the treacherous KDP. Shengal has indeed always been the target of the Turkish state, the treacherous KDP and regional states. The only solution is for Yazidis to build their future on their ancient lands. We hope to celebrate Çarşema Sor in the days of joy and peace when Shengal is granted status in a free Kurdistan.

Happy Çarşema Sor to all humanity, especially the Yazidi people."