Imprisoned journalist Derya Ren's release postponed for 3 months

Journalist Derya Ren's release was postponed for 3 months due to 'disciplinary penalty'.

The release of JINNEWS Reporter Derya Ren, who was detained in the political genocide operations on 25 October 2022 as part of an Ankara-based investigation and imprisoned on the grounds of an approved sentence, was postponed for 3 months on the grounds of 'disciplinary penalty'.

Kurdish journalist Derya Ren has been in prison since October 2022. The basis for her imprisonment was a sentence of over four years' imprisonment for allegedly supporting a "terrorist organisation", which has since become legally binding. At the time, Ren worked for the all-female news agency, JinNews. The conviction was in connection with her work as a journalist.

In Turkey, prisoners who face more than three years in prison can, under certain circumstances, apply for conditional release after serving just one third of their sentence. Ren first applied for this right in August last year. At that time, the competent court in Amed (tr. Diyarbakır) refused to grant early release because Ren refused to move to a cell of non-political prisoners. This behaviour "clearly shows the journalist's lack of remorse and lack of insight into her guilt", it was said in justification of the decision.

The supervisory committee at Diyarbakır Women's Prison has now made a similar decision regarding another application for Ren's release from prison. The committee, which is made up of prison staff, stated that she had behaved "irregularly" and had therefore been given a disciplinary penalty. "In view of the lack of a positive social prognosis, a release scheduled for 6 May is out of the question," said the supervisory committee. Ren's lawyers announced that they will challenge the decision in court.