DEM Party deputies meet with representatives of political parties in Vienna

A delegation of DEM Party deputies met with many political parties and non-governmental organisations in Vienna.

DEM Party Antalya MP Hakkı Saruhan Oluç and Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit held diplomatic meetings in Austria.

The DEM Party delegation met with Berivan Aslan, Spokesperson for Human Rights of the Green Party in the Vienna State Parliament, Harald Troch, SPÖ MP and Spokesperson for Human Rights in the Austrian Parliament, Selma Yıldırım, SPÖ MP and Chairperson of the Austria-Turkey Friendship Group, Stefan Schennach, SPÖ representative and Turkey Rapporteur of the Council of Europe and Group President of the Federal Council.

According to the information received, the DEM Party's views on the results of the 31 March local elections, the situation of the municipalities won and the trustee practices in the past, the struggle for a democratic and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question, the unlawful absolute isolation of Abdullah Öcalan in Imrali Prison for 39 months, the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, the stage reached in the HDP Closure Case, and Turkey-EU relations were discussed during the talks.

The delegation's meetings in Austria continue.