Final declaration of the Literature Week 2024 published

The Northern and Eastern Syrian Literature Council published the final declaration of the Literature Week 2024.

The Northern and Eastern Syrian Literature Council announced the final declaration of this year's activities of the Literature Week, which started on 27 April in Dêrik with the participation of many intellectuals, writers, and people active in the fields of literature and culture.

The final declaration reads as follows: “The three main topics of Literature Week were: writing and publishing: new horizons and opportunities as well as challenges, children's literature. The lack of literary criticism and its effects on cultural and literary life was also discussed.”

The final declaration made the following recommendations:

“-Special workshops should be organized to teach and educate young generations about the art of writing and the principles of creativity

-Efforts should be made to print and publish Kurdish language books and dictionaries that young generations need

-Printing works need to be closely monitored in order to improve the print quality and content.

-Children's literature in school books should be taken into account

-Scientific topics in all scientific departments should be taken into account

-Long-term strategies for children's literature should be developed

-Reliable magazines that can strengthen children's personalities should be published

-Libraries for children should be opened

-Song videos for children should be produced.”

The suggestions made by the participants were as follows:

“-Supporting literary criticism through an institution or projects

-Cultural and press institutions should officially support the activities of literary criticism, and appropriate space should be reserved for literary criticism in the media

-Participation and support in reading events organized by the Literature Council and support of all efforts to promote literary criticism work.

-Publishing literary criticism magazines.

-Giving awards for literary criticism products.”