March in Van and panel discussion in Şırnak on the occasion of Kurdish Language Day

On the occasion of the Kurdish Language Day, a march was organised in Van and a panel discussion was held in Şırnak.

Events to mark Kurdish Language Day on 15 May continue in many cities in Northern Kurdistan.


In Şırnak, the Free Women's Movement (TJA) organised a panel titled "Women and Language" at the Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party) building.

Speaking at the panel, which was attended by many people, artist Selma Özel Asi from the Women's Culture, Arts and Literature Association (KASED) said: "Our fight is a fight for culture and art, our fight is a fight for language. Wherever a person is in the world, she/he is recognised by her/his language. When we do not know our mother tongue and do not have Kurdish motifs on us, our existence has no meaning. We exist with our language. This is why Kurds have been struggling for years against all assimilation policies. That is why we must speak our mother tongue in our homes, neighbourhoods and streets."

Selma Özel Asi continued: "What was the role and mission of women in the Neolithic period? What were we doing then and what are we doing now? At that time, women were the pioneers of society. Nature and women were constantly intertwined. At that time, women were sowing, gathering herbs and raising children. Women and nature lived together. Men were hunters. But women were the driving force of life. If we did not still carry the crumbs of that era with us, we would not be resisting the system today. There are still many attacks against women today. Women are targeted in every way. What belongs to women has been attributed to men. Women's labour has been attributed to men. That is why women today are giving a struggle for culture, art and existence."  


In Van province, on the other hand, Arsisa Language, Culture and Art Research Association (ARSISA), Destar Magazine, Free Women's Movement (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), Human Rights Association (IHD) and Van Labour and Democracy Platform organised a march on the occasion of Kurdish Language Day. During the march from the DEM Party building to ARSİSA, slogans such as "Bê ziman jiyan nabe" (No life without language) and "Zimanê me rûmeta me ye" (Our language is our honour) were chanted.

The women carried banners and sang songs in Kurdish in front of the ARSİSA building where they made a statement.

ARSİSA executive, Evindar Akbulut, said: "Kurdish language is the existence, identity, honour and national identity of Kurds. It is the roof of Kurdish unity. The freedom of the Kurdish language is the main source of the liberation and freedom of the Kurdish nation. With this awareness, the Kurdish people have always made great efforts to protect and develop the Kurdish language. Kurdish women and mothers, Kurdish resistance fighters and pioneers have continued their struggle against all pressures and difficulties."