YPJ General Command pays tribute to 3 of its fighters

The YPJ General Command published the identities of 3 fighters who joined the YPJ ranks from North Kurdistan and fell as martyrs on different dates.

The Women's Defense Units General Command (YPJ) published the identities of 3 fighters who fell as martyrs on different dates on its official website.

In a statement, the YPJ General Command said: "The struggle for freedom has many heroes and heroines in its ranks. Brave young people are fighting for the freedom and independence of our land with great sacrifices to ensure a free and democratic life.

The great determination of our society is based on a history full of uprisings and resistance. The Rojava Kurdistan Revolution created a new opportunity for all oppressed peoples to organize. The revolution was the harbinger of a new life for every part of Kurdistan. A relentless struggle is being waged today against ISIS and the male-dominated state mentality in order to gain the rights of the people. With the Rojava Kurdistan Revolution, nation-state borders disappeared, and all the peoples of the world who want freedom and equality became one soul, one heart. This reality of the Women's Revolution turned into a high energy for the construction of the Democratic Nation system with the participation of young women."

Berwar, Şîmal and Arjîn

The YPJ statement added: "In the freedom struggle of Kurdistan, our people of Bakurê [North] Kurdistan have waged a relentless resistance with great determination. This struggle continues even today against the genocidal system of the Turkish state. The culture of resistance of our people of Bakurê Kurdistan plays a decisive role in the arrest of women and young people.

Our comrades Berwar, Şîmal and Arjîn also opposed the Turkish genocidal system and joined the Rojava Kurdistan Revolution in order to build a free and democratic society. The hegemonic system occupied Kurdistan with a divide-and-rule policy and implemented the genocide of the Kurdish people under the pretext of securing its own future. However, this inhumane and immoral understanding is faced with the reactions of the youth, especially women, who position themselves in the ranks of the YPJ and present the ideals of communal life in a concrete way.

Our comrades Berwar, Şîmal and Arjîn fell as martyrs in the freedom struggle on different dates.

Comrade Berwar Dilxwez (Halime Yaşar), from the Yüksekova (Gever) district of Hakkari (Colemêrg) city of Bakurê Kurdistan, joined the ranks of the Kurdistan freedom struggle in 2011. With the development of the Rojava Kurdistan revolution, she took her place in the resistance fronts of Rojava Kurdistan. Comrade Berwar fought with great enthusiasm until the end with the high ideals of a free life and the spirit of sacrifice. She fell as a martyr while defending the honor of her people against ISIS gangs on the Til Koçer front in 2014.

Comrade Arjîn Mêrdîn (Surgun Taş), who joined the YPJ ranks from Bakurê Kurdistan in 2014 due to her national responsibility, started her journey to Rojava Kurdistan at a young age. This spirit of her youth had spread to every moment she lived. She worked very hard to gain the freedom of her people, even if it was for a very short time. With this determination, she joined the freedom movement and fell as a martyr in Derik on 11 January 2016.

Şîmal Zîlan (Sevgî Bahar Yıldız), from the Başkale (Elbak) district of Van (Wan), has concretely demonstrated the patriotism of our Wan people in her own personality. Our comrade, who joined the ranks of the revolution because her greatest wish was to ensure the freedom of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], was at the forefront of the struggle against the ISIS gangs. She represented equality and freedom against the darkness of the age. Our comrade Şîmal Zîlan fell as a martyr in the liberation movement of Hol on 3 March 2016.

As the Women's Defense Units, we see the struggle of our comrades as a valuable legacy for ourselves. We would like to express our condolences to the valuable families of our comrades Berwar, Şîmal and Arjîn and to all our patriotic people. We promise once again that we will raise the level of struggle to ensure the permanence of the Rojava Kurdistan Women's Revolution."