Women in Amed: We will get rid of the AKP-MHP regime on 28 May

Diyarbakir Network Against Violence called on all women, women's organizations, young people, democratic public opinion and all components of the social opposition to get rid of the one-man regime and raise the struggle on 28 May.

Diyarbakir Anti-Violence Network published a written statement called ‘Our organized struggle will defeat misogyny’ about the 28 May presidential elections. The statement pointed out that the second century of the Republic was built on a “monistic, rejecting, sexist mentality” and added that “in the 14 May elections, we were sure to stop the one-man regime of the AKP and MHP government, which is hostile to women and Kurds and destroying the environment. With the same determination, we will return to the polls and defeat the one-man regime on 28 May 28."

The statement added that the policy of violence against different nations and colours has been maintained in the last 20 years of AKP and MHP rule in Turkey. “The male mentality of the government aims to deepen the spiral of violence by taking HUDA PAR and Re-Welfare Party, which derive their ideology from misogyny, with them. If the 'one-man' regime continues together with the reactionary and fascist parties united under the umbrella of the People's Alliance, all our gains, lives and rights will be usurped. With the belief that we will fight against all forms of violence and this male-dominated mentality, in every field and under any circumstance, we will not give up on our freedom, achievements, lives and decisions regarding our lives. We stand up against those who take our lives, gains and hopes from us. We are here. We will not allow the sexist one-man regime to steal our freedom and our future.”

Call to go to the polls

At the end of the statement, the following call was made: “Undoubtedly, the only way for an equal, free, fair life and a society free from violence is to raise the struggle against the one-man regime all together. On this occasion, we call on all women, women's organizations, young people, democratic public opinion and all components of the social opposition, to get rid of the one-man regime and raise the struggle on 28 May."