Bayık: When Öcalan is physically liberated, the Kurdish question will be solved

Third and last part of the conversation with Cemil Bayık, co-chair of the KCK Executive Council.

In the third and last part of this conversation, Cemil Bayık, co-chair of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the importance of the Kurdish people's leader, Abdullah Öcalan, for the struggle for free coexistence, freedom and democracy not only for the Kurdish people and the Middle East, but also on a global level. He focuses, in particular, on the role of internationalism and the global freedom campaign.

The first part of the interview can be read here, while the second here.

For the physical freedom of Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], on October 10, 2023, our internationalist friends launched the global campaign with the name ‘Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’. Soon after its launch, the Kurdish people also joined in this campaign, but it was not prioritized by Kurds but by all the peoples struggling for democracy, freedom, justice, and equality. An agenda was created; Rêber Apo and his paradigm were presented and spread all over the world. So, one can say that the first phase of the global campaign has been successfully completed.

Now, the campaign has left one year behind. I salute, congratulate, and pay my respects to everyone who took part in the efforts surrounding the campaign. Our internationalist friends developed this campaign, strengthened it, and spread it throughout the world together with the Kurdish people. This is a great success for the Kurdish people. There has been a lot of pain, and a high price has been paid, but it became a great success for the Kurdish people. On this basis, the Kurdish people will further expand their gains and achievements. They will achieve their goals; they will ensure the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the democratic solution to the Kurdish question. On this occasion, I salute, congratulate, and pay my respects to our heroic people.

Many developments and successes have been achieved through the campaign. The role of internationalism in these developments and successes is very important. The internationalists spearheaded the first phase of the campaign, and the Kurdish people took part in it and worked for its success. It seems that it will yield further results in the coming year because it's spreading around the world and continues every day, and Rêber Apo’s prison writings are being read more and more. In particular, the reading and discussion of his prison writings should be further developed, and activities in this regard should be prioritized more in the future. Because, as Rêber Apo also said, “Wherever my prison writings are, I am there.” This is one of the reasons for the success of this move. The more those writings are read, the better they are understood, and the better the reality of Rêber Apo and the politics towards him, the PKK, and the Kurdish people will be understood. Like this, the politics being carried out can and will be more strongly opposed.

People from so many different nations, women, young people, artists, municipality members, trade unionists in England and Scotland, politicians, academics, lawyers, Nobel Prize-winning intellectuals, and many others have taken part in the campaign and have already carried out a lot of work in the first year that we are now leaving behind. If Rêber Apo and its paradigm have become better known and discussed all over the world, and if the support for Rêber Apo has increased even further, then this is largely due to the people who have participated in the campaign so far. I greet, congratulate, and pay my respects to each and every one of them. I believe that they will work even more vigorously in the future, just as they have worked until today. Because day by day they understand Rêber Apo and his paradigm much better. The better Rêber Apo’s paradigm is understood, the stronger it will be embraced.

From the first moment that the campaign was developed, capitalist modernity opposed it. Because their aim is to neutralize Rêber Apo and the PKK and complete the Kurdish genocide. Therefore, they stood against the campaign wherever they could. Those who developed the international conspiracy, those who insist on it, and those who continue it through absolute isolation still want to neutralize Rêber Apo, liquidate the PKK, and complete the genocide. International reactions against the conspiracy politics are increasing day by day, and the embrace of Rêber Apo and his paradigm is growing even more. This is also why there is a war on the level of a world war. Because the conspiracy is international, the struggle against it must also be international. The war is also developing on the same basis.

What do those who take part in the campaign, those who want Rêber Apo’s physical freedom and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question say? Rêber Apo’s situation is similar to Mandela’s. They say that what was done for Mandela should also be done for Rêber Apo. It is true; there are some similarities in the situation of Mandela and Rêber Apo, but they are not similar in every way. When an international movement was developed for Mandela, the situation in the world was different. The situation today is very different. The Third World War is going on, and there is an international conspiracy against Rêber Apo. Therefore, there are also many differences in the situation of Mandela. Maybe the campaign launched for Mandela developed easily and achieved quick results. But the campaign for Rêber Apo’s physical freedom may not develop as easily and quickly as Mandela’s did. This needs to be seen, and the campaign that has been developed needs to be enlarged even more.

Of course, what has been done so far is sacred to us, but it is not enough in order to be able to ensure the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. What is the conclusion we can draw from this? A bigger movement must be developed. That’s why everyone should be focused on this. Everyone’s agenda should be based on this, and they should carry out their work on this basis. Rêber Apo is the center of all the work; what can we do to ensure Rêber Apo’s physical freedom as soon as possible? Because the longer it is delayed, the worse the situation will be for Rêber Apo, for Kurds, and for humanity. That is why we must develop strong movement very quickly, and this is everyone’s duty. We have to develop a movement with the participation of millions. Millions should participate in rallies; millions should march.

People who have an impact on humanity should take part in these rallies, speak, and appeal to the conscience of humanity. Then Rêber Apo’s physical freedom will be achieved faster. When Rêber Apo is physically liberated, the Kurdish question will also be solved. The reality of Rêber Apo and the Kurdish question complement each other. For this reason, life without Rêber Apo is haram to us. The approach to Rêber Apo is the approach to us; the approach to us is the approach to Rêber Apo. Everyone, especially the members of this movement, the PKK and PAJK movement, must spread the prison writings of Rêber Apo like apostles; they must spread them everywhere. Discussions should be held everywhere based on prison writings. If they do this, Rêber Apo and  his paradigm will be better understood. The embrace of Rêber Apo and the Kurdish people will be stronger. In the second phase of the global campaign, everyone should work on this basis. Our work and marches should be entirely for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the democratic solution of the Kurdish question. I condemn the international conspiracy once again. Our anger against the conspiracy must grow even more and turn into organization and action. Once again, I greet, congratulate, and respect everyone. Bijî Rêber Apo!