Bayık: women and young people play major role in the new process
KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık said
KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık said
KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık said in the second part of his declaration that "Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] never considers the things he has developed to be complete or sufficient; he considers them incomplete and wants to develop them better. This keeps the freedom movement alive, developing, renewing, and achieving success."
The first part of this declaration can be read here.
Back in the days of real socialism, many organizations, forces, and even states were organized by drawing strength from it. Once real socialism collapsed, the parties and states affiliated to it also collapsed one by one. The PKK also emerged under the conditions of the 20th century and was founded under the influence of real socialism. Today only the PKK is left, while all the others were liquidated. The fact that only the PKK survives is related to the reality of Rêber Apo. From the beginning to the present day, Rêber Apo has based every single step on change, transformation, and reorganization. He always pursued an independent line in ideology, philosophy, organization, and struggle. He never considers the things he has developed to be complete or sufficient; he considers them incomplete and wants to develop them better. This keeps the freedom movement alive, developing, renewing, and achieving success. The fact that all the attacks and conspiracies against the freedom movement at the end remained unsuccessful is due to this. It is Rêber Apo’s character, which is based on success and development. He knows no limits. He solely focuses on what serves his purpose.
The freedom movement started in the form of a party, and its aim was to create a people who would fight for their freedom under all circumstances. This was achieved in 1993. Rêber Apo’s struggle since 1993 was entirely for a democratic society. The paradigm he developed in Imrali is also on this basis. We could not fulfill that paradigm completely because of all the interventions, and we also had our shortcomings. That’s why this process took a long time.
Rêber Apo has made a historic decision and is developing an accordingly historic intervention. He has decided to put the freedom movement completely into service of the new paradigm. The new paradigm is based on women’s freedom, social ecology, and the democratic society. Rêber Apo works for brotherhood and peace on the basis of a free society. The freedom movement has gone beyond the borders of Kurdistan and has become an international hope. It is impossible to continue this struggle and achieve our goals just through a party. The party has fulfilled and completed its role. It does not sufficiently respond to the developing process; it remains narrow. Therefore, Rêber Apo is making changes in regard to organization and struggle according to the developments and changes. We do not give up our ideology, philosophy, and paradigm. We are carrying out a change and transformation on the basis of how we can apply them in regard to organization and struggle. The movement of Rêber Apo is being reorganized on this basis.
The PKK has greatly served not only the people of Kurdistan but all of humanity. Maybe some people today deny this, and some may even say, “The PKK is blocked; it has nothing left to do; all its paths are closed; there is only one way left, and that is to surrender.” They say this about Rêber Apo and the PKK. This is an insult. Only the unscrupulous and those who are sworn enemies of Rêber Apo and the PKK speak like this. Some of them have been hostile since the founding of the freedom movement, and they will continue to do so in the future. Our people must make sense of this. Those who are saying things like this right now, those who swear enmity against the freedom movement, and those who make such empty speeches are the ones who are weakening, are desperate, and are in great danger. They search to deceive everyone, hide their weakness, and make themselves look strong. They are waging a psychological special war against Rêber Apo and this movement. They are not doing this only today; they have been carrying out this policy since the very beginning. Maybe today they reached the highest level.
The PKK has achieved great things. It prevented denial, extermination, and assimilation. It revived the Kurdish people who were in the sleep of death and were facing extinction. The PKK turned the people to freedom and democracy and made them struggle for it. It paved the way for democratic politics, peace, and solutions. It created an identity for the Kurds and developed Kurdish unity. It developed a democratic revolution. It created changes in the mentality, personality, and life of Kurds. It developed the women’s revolution. It restored everything that had been taken away from the Kurds. The PKK has brought the Kurds to this stage. Now it is struggling to solve the issues of freedom and democracy. Rêber Apo has declared this move. The Kurdish people have become a respected people all over the world. The struggle for democracy and freedom is based on Kurdish women, Kurdish people, Rêber Apo, and his paradigm. And now Rêber Apo wants to remove the effects of real socialism from the movement. This is also one of the reasons why he is developing this initiative. Just as he wants to solve the problems of the peoples, he also wants to solve the problems of socialism. That is why the initiative he is developing is so big and historic.
When Rêber Apo expressed that he wanted to develop the initiative for peace and democratic society, many people tried to prevent it. They wanted to prevent Rêber Apo from making his statement. Trustees were forcefully appointed, arrests and insults were made, and all kinds of attacks took place. With these, they tried to create a reaction and prevent the declaration of the move, knowing that the announcement of the move would create many changes both in Turkey and in the Middle East. They did not want democracy, freedom, and peace to develop. Because they are profiting from war. But still, Rêber Apo announced this move with determination and courage. No one can stand in front of Rêber Apo and his paradigm anymore. Maybe they will attempt to sabotage Rêber Apo; they will try to isolate him, will try to weaken him, and will even try to destroy the belief in Rêber Apo. They will do whatever they can. Our people should be aware of this. And just as these groups want to sabotage the initiative and gain profit from it, our people, our international friends, the forces that strive for freedom and democracy, and those who work to establish socialism must also protect Rêber Apo and the initiative he has initiated. They must unite around Rêber Apo. Rêber Apo has undertaken a heavy and historical mission, and as he has pointed out – everyone must share this responsibility. Just as Rêber Apo has pioneered this move, everyone must also take part in this move and lead it. They should aim for peace and the creation of a democratic society. Our people in Turkey, all the peoples living in Turkey, will achieve great results through it. If democracy develops in Turkey, all problems in Turkey, including the Kurdish question, will be solved. This will have a great impact in the Middle East, as democratization will also develop there. A democratic nation, brotherhood of peoples, unity of peoples, and justice will be achieved. The effects of the initiative can already be seen in Syria.
Northern and Eastern Syria and the government in Damascus have formed an alliance. This can be a positive beginning. This situation has developed through the struggle of the people of Northern and Eastern Syria. They fought and struggled heroically, and as a result, this alliance has developed. With this step, they want to take the struggle they have been waging for years – paying a heavy price and suffering great pain for it – to a new stage, a new era. They want to create a new Syria on the basis of democratic politics and a democratic nation. This move also serves this purpose.
If the initiative developed by Rêber Apo and his call reaches a conclusion in Turkey, it will have an even greater impact on the Middle East. And it will even have a great impact on humanity. For those who strive for peace, for those who strive for freedom and democracy, and for those who struggle for socialism and justice, Rêber Apo has developed precisely this initiative. Everyone must take part in this initiative and fulfill their duty. Everyone should focus on how to lead this initiative and how to build democracy, freedom, and peace.
The main role here falls on women and the youth. The women’s movement expressed that the initiative developed by Rêber Apo is essential for them. Our movement also said that the move is a manifesto for us for the 21st century. Women and the youth are asked to lead this, to create a democratic society. The paradigm developed by Rêber Apo is based on women’s liberation, social ecology, and the democratic nation. Women and the youth must play a strategic role in the realization of this paradigm. Both women and the youth have declared that they are ready for this, and I congratulate them on this occasion.
The Alevi people should know that they are also one of the main forces of this initiative. The move developed by Rêber Apo will keep them alive. The move developed by Rêber Apo is for all peoples, for all religions, beliefs, and cultures. It is a move for a democratic nation, freedom, democracy, peace, and justice. It is for everyone. It is not only for the Kurdish community, the Kurdish people, but also, for example, for the peoples of Turkey, the society of Turkey, the intellectuals, and politicians of Turkey. With this move, everyone will win. There is no loser in it. That is why no one should be against this move. The opposition in Turkey, especially the CHP, the socialist and democratic forces, should support this initiative. The Kurdish people support the initiative and struggle based on it. The Turkish state, the current government, has poisoned Turkish society. They need to remove this poison from Turkish society. And this is not only the duty of Rêber Apo, the freedom movement, and the Kurdish people, but also the duty of the peoples of Turkey. It is also the duty of those who lead those peoples, and those who struggle for democracy, freedom, and socialism in Turkey.
Rêber Apo pointed out that he should be given the opportunity to play his role; opportunities must be created so that he can take the movement to political and legal grounds. “I can do this,” is what he said. In this course he also called that “the PKK must dissolve itself and lay down its arms. For this, a congress should convene and take these decisions.” The PKK leadership also responded and clearly said that they are ready, that they are behind the move developed by Rêber Apo and the call he made. “In order for this to happen, a two-sided ceasefire must be established,” is what they said. Because the Turkish state has not given up the war. Every day UCAVs are hovering. Their daily bombardments with planes, tanks, and artillery continue. Everyone can assume that it is basically impossible and dangerous to convene a congress under these conditions. If the state really wants this, and considering the call of Rêber Apo, as well as the reaction of the leadership of the PKK, the appropriate conditions must be created so that a congress can take place and the necessary decisions can be made. The movement has pointed this out, and so did we, as the co-presidency of the Executive Council.
Some people in the Turkish state make speeches in their institutions, in the press, and in politics. We see with their speeches that they want to create chaos and muddy the atmosphere. This, of course, does not give confidence to anyone. If they want to solve the Kurdish question, if they want Turkey to be free from danger, and if they want Turkey to be democratized, then they should stop making these statements. Everyone wants and expects this.
As I stressed out, this is a very sensitive process, and it will not develop in a relaxed manner. Our people need to be aware of this. In order for the initiative developed by Rêber Apo to achieve results, the global campaign that was started for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo must not only continue but must even intensify. All of our people and international friends must mobilize on this basis. It is required to ensure Rêber Apo’s physical freedom and destroy the Imrali system. The struggle for this must be strengthened. This is what is asked of all of us. Not only in northern Kurdistan and Turkey, but in all parts of Kurdistan and abroad. All international friends of the Kurdish people must struggle on this basis. Everyone must take action for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo in order for him to be able to play his role. Only in this way can the initiative he has developed reach its conclusion.
If the struggle is strengthened on this basis, Rêber Apo’s physical freedom will be ensured and the Imrali system will collapse. This will create a new situation for our people, for all the peoples. Our people and our international friends should know that Rêber Apo has always fought for the Kurdish people and for all the peoples and humanity, even facing the most difficult conditions and conspiracies. From the first day the freedom movement was founded until today, he never lived a day for himself. He put his entire life at the service of the Kurdish people and humanity. He wants to bring this struggle to its goal. The initiative he has developed is entirely on this basis. We all need to embrace this, shoulder Rêber Apo’s burden, and not leave him alone. The Kurdish people, the peoples of Turkey, the peoples of the Middle East, and humanity will also win as a result of this move. Based on this, I once again congratulate everyone on Newroz and the Ramadan celebrations and express my greetings and respect.