Deir ez-Zor and insistence on the chaos plan

They are attacking again in order to detach Deir ez-Zor from the Autonomous Administration, to create an Arab-Kurdish conflict and to seize the oil fields.

Deir ez-Zor was attacked again from the area under the control of the Syrian administration. There had been attacks on this region before and many people had lost their lives. Their aim is to detach the region from the Autonomous Administration, to create an Arab-Kurdish conflict and to seize the oil regions. There are plans and endeavours to take down other Arab-populated regions one after the other should Deir ez-Zor fall. In fact, plans are being realised primarily to remove the Arab population from the Autonomous Administration regions and to leave the Kurds alone and crush them. The Damascus administration wants to re-establish its authority by making the people forget what they have brought upon them, deflecting the agenda and using Arab nationalism.

The influence of Iran and Russia

The problem has other dimensions beyond the Damascus administration. No one cares about the suffering, poverty and losses of the people. All powers are seeking to strengthen their power and spheres of influence. Iran is one of these powers. It is known what Syria has become. Iran supported Bashar al-Assad to stay in power. Similarly, Russia supported Damascus in order to stay in the region. Assad was able to survive thanks to this support. The Kurds did not fight Assad. Despite all Turkey's impositions, the Kurdish people fought against ISIS and did not join their alliance. That is why Turkey targeted the Kurds, declared them enemies and terrorists. If the Kurds had accepted Turkey's impositions and joined its alliance, Assad would not have had a chance to survive. Assad owes his survival mostly to the Kurds.

Turkey is trying to incite Damascus and the people of the region against the SDF

The facts are constantly being concealed and distorted. Turkey is trying to incite Damascus and the people of the region against the SDF in order to get Damascus onside. They are waging an incredible psychological war. They are propagandising that Arab tribes have revolted against the SDF. Turkish official circles are calling for the oil of the region to be handed over to the Syrian people and taken out of the hands of terrorists. They put pressure on the US and Coalition forces. They negotiate with them to break their relations with the SDF. Wherever there is an initiative against the SDF and the Kurds, the Turkish state jumps on it. It thinks and organises whatever evil there is.

Iran organises militias to attack Deir ez-Zor

Iran is not limited to helping the Syrian government. It also plays with the beliefs of the people of the region. It carries out intensive work among the people to develop Shiism. Syria is not in a position to stand against this. Moreover, Iran has known problems and contradictions with the US. The USA is also present in the region. Iran is busy organising and mobilising the people against the US. Together with the Damascus administration, they portray the SDF as a US collaborator. They want to involve the SDF in their contradictions with the US. SDF does not want to be an instrument in these conflicts. Still, Iran organises militias to attack Deir ez-Zor and supports them with heavy weapons. Iran does not say that it is officially taking part in these attacks, but everyone in the region knows that it is Iranian officials who are leading and directing the attacks. They say that the tribes are against the SDF, but these rockets and missiles are not the work of the tribes.  

The people paid a very heavy price

Deir ez-Zor is one of the last regions cleared from ISIS. It is one of the first regions where demonstrations and revolts against the Damascus government took place. The people paid a very heavy price. Now there is stability and democratic governance in the region. In fact, they govern themselves. They also maintain trade relations with the other side of the Euphrates, with the regime-held region. They also contribute to the economy of that side. Despite this, attempts to drag the region into a conflictual and chaotic environment do not stop. These attacks both bring economic destruction and jeopardise the life safety of the people. Many people have been killed and injured for no reason at all. 

Human life does not have much value in this geography. That is why people are so easily wasted, killed and sent to their deaths. Since the people are not educated and organised, they are not in a position to defend themselves and determine their direction. Turkey sends some of them to Libya, Karabakh, etc. to fight for itself. It brings them forward in the occupation of Syria. It keeps them on the front line so that its soldiers do not die.

The Autonomous Administration wants to solve their problems through peaceful methods

Iran and the Damascus administration do not take a different approach either. However, the Autonomous Administration, the SDF, wants to meet with the Damascus administration and solve their problems through peaceful methods within the integrity of Syria. These forces do not want anything from Damascus. They only want a democratic Syria. Instead of preferring the democratic option, Damascus continues to impose the over-centralised and one-party regime of before 2011. Turkey is also resorting to all kinds of malice to destroy the Kurds. Has there been any statement from Turkey regarding the recognition of the Syrian Kurds' rights and identity? No. It forces Damascus to destroy the Kurds and complete the genocide.

Source: Ronahi Newspaper