DEM Party MP Çiftyürek: Öcalan’s call involves both the PKK and the state
Sinan Çiftyürek said that Abdullah Öcalan’s call urged both the PKK and the Turkish state to take responsibility.
Sinan Çiftyürek said that Abdullah Öcalan’s call urged both the PKK and the Turkish state to take responsibility.
Discussions in Turkey’s public sphere continue following the historic call made by Abdullah Öcalan on 27 February. While the public closely follows Öcalan’s statement and the subsequent developments, evaluations are being made regarding how this new process will unfold.
The process initiated by Öcalan’s call to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the state is being defined as the beginning of a new era in the Kurdish freedom struggle, which has lasted for over 50 years. Sinan Çiftyürek, Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MP and leader of the Communist Party of Kurdistan (KKP), spoke to ANF about the latest developments.
The responsibility for a solution lies with the state
Sinan Çiftyürek, stating that the Kurdish people's national liberation struggle, which has lasted nearly 200 years, is now demanding a solution, expressed that he valued Öcalan's call and the PKK's subsequent announcement of a ceasefire. He continued: "We find Öcalan's call significant. He has delivered important messages regarding the Kurdish issue, which is both historically and profoundly rooted in the region. Öcalan’s call for the PKK to lay down arms and the PKK Executive Committee’s quick response, stating, 'As the PKK, we agree with the content of this call and declare that we will meet its requirements and implement it on our part.' However, we also emphasize that for success, a democratic political and legal framework must be in place,' has laid the groundwork for a new process in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. This development has paved the way for civil politics to address the Kurdish issue through democratic and peaceful means.
Moreover, the fact that the Kurdish people’s struggle for national liberation, spanning nearly 200 years, is now demanding a solution is undeniable. In this long struggle, particularly in the past 40 years, the heavy price paid by our people, the significant loss of life brought about by the war for all peoples, and the devastating effects on the economies of Anatolia and Kurdistan have long been demanding the resolution of the Kurdish issue.
With his call, Öcalan has unveiled this unresolved issue and placed the responsibility for a solution on the state. Yes, the responsibility now lies with the state. Therefore, Öcalan has called not only on the PKK but also on the state and the people's alliance."
The state must open the path to resolving the Kurdish question
Çiftyürek stressed the urgency for the Turkish state to take swift action and the need to pave the way for a solution. He said: "The state must take immediate steps toward resolving the Kurdish issue. The excuse that 'I cannot act until the weapons are silenced' is no longer valid. The state and the people's alliance must promptly bring this issue to the Turkish Grand National
Assembly, ensuring a full discussion of the Kurdish and Kurdistan question in all its dimensions, and open the path to a resolution. Do not, under any circumstances, resort to propaganda such as ‘Look how we crushed them, how we left them no choice but to surrender.’ Do not allow provocative statements of this nature.
Because, with Öcalan’s call, the Kurdish and Kurdistan question now stands before you more clearly and directly than ever before. The Kurdish issue, whether its solution takes the form of autonomy, self-governance, federation, or another model, is fundamentally about the Kurdish people attaining a status that ensures their right to self-governance."
The Turkish people must prepare for peace
Çiftyürek emphasized that the Turkish public must prepare for peace and added: "First and foremost, they must be prepared! Moreover, Turkey’s working-class and laboring people have suffered immense losses in this ongoing war. Due to the economic burden of the conflict, they have endured high inflation, constant price hikes, and declining purchasing power, experiencing poverty and hunger, which continues to this day. If the issue and the process are explained correctly, and if the state-aligned media and the People's Alliance responsibly convey the matter to society with accuracy, we believe that the people of Turkey will support a peaceful and democratic resolution process."
The Kurdish people have long been ready for peace
Çiftyürek said that the Kurdish people, unlike the Turkish public, have long been ready for the process and concluded: "The Kurdish people, along with the mothers who have suffered the pain of losing their children, have long been ready for this process. The Kurdish people have not only desired but actively struggled for a peaceful resolution to the Kurdistan issue from the very beginning. If channels for civil, revolutionary, and democratic struggle are opened—meaning if the process is developed through democratic and legal steps—our people will be ready to advance their fight for national freedom and democracy with greater strength and determination to achieve results."