MSD assesses the current stage to outline a strategy for future actions

Article by Hassan Muhammad Ali, Co-chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council’s (MSD) Public Relations Office.

The stage Syria is going through is a crucial and historical one at the same time. It is crucial as it will determine the fate of the country, and it is historical because the future of Syria will be shaped by its own people. Therefore, the national democratic powers and all Syrians bear moral responsibilities, given what the Syrian people have been subjected to many tragedies. These tragedies include displacement, arrests, forcible disappearance, demographic change, occupation of their regions and a tragic living situation.

This situation imposes on Syrians, who seek the better future for their country, the need to develop policies and strategies on how to end this dire situation.

The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) is considered one of the most prominent, national and democratic powers. It seriously considers this unresolved issue, facing challenges. In order to make crucial decisions, it was necessary to assess the stage in terms of political changes and developments. The aim is to determine the tasks entrusted to it at all levels.

Therefore, the MSD held its fourth conference under the slogan, “The unity of Syrians is the foundation of a political solution and a guarantee for a democratic and decentralized Syria”. The conference concluded by issuing decisions and outlining strategies at the national, regional, and international levels. Also, the MSD defined its expected tasks in the coming phase. Subsequently, a meeting of the MSD’s general offices was held, where the meeting members developed annual plans to implement the MSD’s policies and strategies, and created a vision for engaging in discussions of various issues with political parties. They also identified the tools and means to accomplish the assigned tasks and achieve desired goals.

Alliances at the National Syrian Level

One of the MSD’s primary tasks is to unite the Syrian people. This represents an objective foundation for a political solution and a guarantee for a democratic and decentralized Syria. This unity should include all sectors within diverse strategies capable of forming alliances at various levels. Social, cultural, religious, political, youth, women, and human rights groups should participate in these alliances. Moreover, they should involve working with democratic powers and figures to prepare for a conference of democratic powers and figures. Therefore, it requires identifying national democratic powers that can be a basis for this conference, playing a significant role.

Although it has been contacted by figures and powers and attended workshops in Europe and the Stockholm meetings, it is necessary in the coming phase to re-evaluate all these powers and initiate new dialogues with them. This aims to reach additional agreements beyond those previously reached. Also, it adopts a flexible and open policy based on the principle of common ground to end divisions created by the Syrian regime and regional and international forces.

Therefore, it is necessary to work on initial agreements to prevent any obstacles. Specific matters can be addressed in later stages, which would require the formation of specialized committees. Various tools can be employed to reach agreements, such as holding workshops that discuss different topics and seek to address them within available capabilities.

Thus, the unity of Syrians requires a work strategy that aligns with the circumstances of the present powers and figures. Efforts should be made within a national framework. It is crucial to hold dialogues and meetings in all Syrian regions on important issues. These issues include the unity of Syria, decentralization, an inclusive national identity, the state’s neutrality towards religion, nationality, gender-equality, citizenship, and the withdrawal of all occupying forces. It is essential to emphasize that Syrian resources belong to the Syrian people and must be distributed fairly. Also, rights should be recognized and guaranteed in accordance with international legitimacy.

Following the completion of meetings in the regions held by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), a meeting can be held at the level of the entire North and East Syria region, leading to a general meeting at the level of the entire Syria. Preparatory committees can be formed to involve various powers and figures in these meetings. No one should be excluded from the political intra-Syrian dialogue.

To implement the MSD’s expected tasks in accordance with the slogan of the fourth conference, it requires employing numerous innovative tools, methods, and approaches to achieve Syrian unity. The most important and fundamental aspect is to reach common ground, and to not limit Syrian unity to the political sphere.

Instead, the MSD should expand its efforts to include civil society and adopt a strategic approach in this context. There are common grounds among civil society organizations and unions in various Syrian regions. So, if there are alliances with many groups of intellectuals, lawyers, engineers, doctors, businessmen, youth and women’s unions, in addition to tribes and clans, under the slogan of a better future for Syrians, it will make significant progress across all domains. Although achieving such a goal may face difficulties due to local, regional, and international interventions, it is not impossible.

Alliances at the Regional Level

Another MSD’s crucial task at the regional level is to adopt community diplomacy and strengthen relations with democratic powers in the region. These powers also have a concern regarding authoritarianism, hegemony, and regional and international interventions. Civil, feminist, and youth alliances can be developed at the level of civil society in all its sectors. Common ground can be created with hundreds of democratic organizations based on their specificities regarding general principles that unite them in various fields. This serves as a strategic deterrent at the regional level against the policy of siege imposed by many regimes. These regimes aim to eliminate national, democratic and political powers, and civil society in all its sectors. The technological progress, which has facilitated communication and networking, should be exploited. This will help to create a democratic regional movement and can lead to the formation of an alliance of national and democratic powers at the regional level. This task falls within the MSD’s strategic responsibilities.

Alliances at the Global Level

As a result of globalization, many issues have become common among forces, societies, and peoples worldwide. Despite the specificities of peoples’ living conditions based on their geographic location, they can find common ground. Relationships can be strengthened with all these powers based on shared principles. In the 20th century, many alliances were formed at the class level. As a result of globalization and through technological progress, it is possible to re-establish stronger and more effective alliances.


The MSD, at this critical juncture, faces significant tasks at the local, national, and regional levels. These tasks should resolve the outstanding issues amidst the global crisis and chaos. There are great opportunities resulting from the collapse of many regimes. Additionally, there are many fields for establishing new regimes and moving within a strategic vision at multiple levels and stages. This will contribute to saving peoples in Syria and the world from tyranny, injustice, and terrorism. The aim is to achieve freedom, gender-equality, and justice.