Tekin: We will not recognize the trustees

DEM Party Amed Provincial co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin said: "We will not recognize the trustees."

Protest against the usurpation of Hakkari (Colemêrg) Municipality continue to come from many quarters. The DEM Party decided to take action in many cities, organizing vigils and marches.

DEM Party Amed Provincial co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin said that what happened in Hakkari was a political coup and added that the Kurdish people will not allow this.

Tekin said that the AKP- MHP alliance has put into effect special war policies in Kurdistan using the trustees and added: "They tried to usurp the people’s will in Van, but the resistance of the people prevented that. Today, the patience of the Kurdish people is being tested once again in Hakkari. We will not allow these policies in any of our cities. Our people will defend their will everywhere. The right to vote and be elected is a legal right and cannot be prevented, nor can the will of the Kurdish people be dealt a blow. We have seen what the trustees did in Kurdistan, how they plundered what belonged to the people, and how they acted with corruption in the municipalities. They left, leaving debts worth millions of Turkish Liras."

Despite all the pressure, the people voted DEM Party

Tekin also criticized Erdoğan, saying that "he did what was required by law" and said: "What is required by law is to recognize the person elected by the people. If you ignore the election made by the people, it means you don't know the law. The law should start doing what is necessary by prosecuting the trustees involved in corruption. Both we and the Kurdish people are aware of all this. Despite all the usurpation, plunder, oppression, arrest, attack and trustee policies, the Kurdish people once again voted for the DEM Party. This shows us that the people do not want trustees. It is fascism to usurp the will of the people. You cannot remove our co-chairs from their positions by illegalizing them or using undemocratic means. This has no explanation, neither humanly nor legally."

We will not recognize trustees

Tekin said: "Our vigils continue in all our cities. We organize marches every day. Despite all the obstacles, we stand by our will. We will not allow the people to usurp their municipalities. In Hakkari, a trustee was appointed despite the people voting for him and the co-mayor was arrested, but our council members held a meeting and elected a deputy co-mayor among themselves. This is the first step to not recognizing the trustee. Even though they have actually appointed trustees, we continue to have our will there. We hope that no trustees will be imposed on other municipalities, but even if they do that, we will never recognize them. We invite all our people to support our actions. We will assert our will wherever we are."