24 journalists stood trial in one month, 8 women journalists in prison

The Mesopotamia Women Journalists' Association stated that urgent measures are needed to ensure the safety of journalists and protect freedom of expression.

The Mesopotamia Women Journalists' Association (MKG) shared the “Report on Violations of Rights against Women Journalists” for the month of May with the public.

The report drew attention to the fact that the violations experienced by women journalists are a major blow to the struggle for gender equality.

“The pressures to which journalists are subjected not only violate their individual rights, but also seriously undermine the public's right to receive accurate and impartial information,” the report said.

In this context, it said, urgent measures are needed to ensure the safety of journalists and protect freedom of expression.

Violations of rights against journalists in May were listed as follows: 2 journalists were attacked, 3 journalists were detained, 1 journalist was imprisoned. 4 journalists were prevented from covering. 2 journalists were subjected to right violations in prison. 1 journalist was subject to an investigation. 4 journalists were sentenced to a total of 9 years, 6 months and 17 days in prison. 17 lawsuits are ongoing against 24 journalists. As of 1 May, 8 journalists are under arrest.