Turkey continued crackdown on journalists in April

According to a recent report of the Journalists Community, Turkish prosecutors asked up to 485 years in prison for 48 journalists in April.

The Journalists Community’s April 2021 report titled "Cost of News" which was funded by the Media for Democracy / Democracy for Media project has been announced today, World Press Freedom Day.

According to the report prepared by journalist Hayri Demir, at least 49 journalists were tried in 21 separate cases in Istanbul, Van, Mardin, Batman, Kars, Adıyaman, Edirne, Ağrı and Amed during April.

Turkish prosecutors asked up to 485 years and 9 months in prison for 48 journalists standing trial. A claim for 50 thousand TL compensation was filed against a journalist. 5 journalists who had been jailed pending trial were released.

According to the report, 10 of the cases were held before high criminal courts where hearings of 18 journalists were held. 11 journalists were charged with "being a member of a terrorist organization" and 8 others were accused of "making propaganda for a terrorist organization". 3 journalists who were tried in April were charged with "insulting the President".


In April, new lawsuits were filed against 4 journalists within the framework of the Anti-Terror Law, demanding imprisonment from 17.5 to 43 years. 10 journalists were detained in Ankara, Amed (Diyarbakir) and Istanbul.