823 people executed in Iran in 2023

In Iran, 823 people were executed in one year, 121 women were murdered.

According to data from human rights organizations in Iran, the country witnessed an alarming rise in human rights violations in 2023.

823 people were executed in Iran in 2023. In the country where 27 people were killed by mines and explosives, 34 prisoners died in prisons. While the number of prisoners recorded throughout the year was 2,342, as many as 21 political activists and protesters were sentenced to death during the year. 547 activists were sentenced to 94 years of suspended imprisonment, 2,547 lashes and a total of 2,944 years of imprisonment.

"Examples of national and religious discrimination, together with the targeting of political and civil activists, reveal a disturbing absence of justice and freedom of expression. This situation calls for increased attention and pressure from the international community and human rights organizations to advocate for fundamental reforms consistent with their responsibility to protect the rights of Iranian citizens,” the report said.

In Iran, at least 121 femicides were recorded during the year, and all the murders were perpetrated by people with close relationships. "The Islamic Republic's policy towards women reflects a systematic violation of women's rights, including sexual and gender minorities. This derogation is evident not only in the political and administrative spheres but also in the social context. The ease with which women are targeted and the cost-effective nature of these actions underline a disturbing trend. The government of the Islamic Republic itself perpetrates femicide and creates insurmountable obstacles for women working in this field. As a result, the actual number of femicides is far higher than what is portrayed in the news and media,” according to the report.