Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) prisons monitoring commission has presented its report on seven prisons in the Marmara Region. The report states basic needs of prisoners are not sufficiently met, prisoners are often subject to disciplinary investigations, punishments and ill-treatment and overall F type prisons are based on isolation with arbitrary rules established by prison administrations.
According to the report, the biggest problems of prisoners are the handcuffed transfers to hospitals and the presence of soldiers in examination rooms despite the Three-Party Protocol signed by Ministries of Justice and Health and Interior Affairs, which allows examination without handcuffs and the absence of soldiers.
Lawyer Oya Aslan noted that rapes and harassment reported by women prisoners were not included in the report according to the prisoners' will whereas Lawyer Güçlü Sevimli remarked that the United Nation's convention on the opening of closed spaces to non-governmental and independent committees, signed by Turkey, is not put into practice.
The prisons with the highest rate of rights violations in the report are Tekirdað No. 1 and No. 2 F Type Prisons.
Human Rights Association (ÝHD) Ýskenderun Branch held a press release earlier today about the increase in repression and rights violations towards political prisoners in Ýskenderun Prison. "Political prisoners have been battered and insulted by soldiers and officials of prison." said Sadullah Çaðlar on behalf of the ÝHD. He added that Specially Authorized Courts have replaced State Security Courts (DGM) which were abolished for civilize the military trials for civilians.