IHD Prisons Commission says Abdulkadir Kuday left to die in prison

The IHD Prisons Commission drew attention to the fact that Abdulkadir Kuday, a seriously ill prisoner whose release was prevented, was left to die in plain sight, and said: "We are angry."

The Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch Prisons Commission held a press conference in the branch building in Beyoğlu about the death of Abdulkadir Kuday, a seriously ill prisoner whose release was prevented. Kuday died in Metris R Type Prison.

IHD Prisons Commission member Hatice Onaran stated that they were "angry". Underlining that Kuday should have been with his family at least for the "last hours of his life", Onaran said: "We know that even prisoners in intensive care in the hospital are handcuffed. It is a violation of rights for prisoners in intensive care to be treated in this way or to be tied to a bed even while intubated and not to be allowed to see their family.

Even the 'right to spend the last hours' with their family is being taken away from prisoners. There are thousands of prisoners in this situation. The only reason why prisoners are prevented from being released is because they are sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment. We cannot accept this."

Mehmet Acettin, a member of the IHD Prisons Commission, said that they have been following Kuday’s situation for a long time, and added: "The reason why Kuday was not released was because he was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment. However, we know that some judicial prisoners are released with a presidential pardon. They have legally bound seriously ill prisoners to a presidential pardon. That is why they are being left to die in plain sight."