Prisoner Güzel released after 31 years

Serhat Güzel, who was released from prison after 31 years, was welcomed with great enthusiasm in his hometown Amed.

Güzel, who was held in Antalya S Type High Security Prison and whose release was postponed twice for 6 months, was finally freed.

52-year-old Serhat Güzel arrived at Amed Airport with his family, members of the Med Detainee and Convict Families Legal and Solidarity Associations Federation (MED TUHAD-FED), Detainee and Convict Families and Assistance Association (TUAY-DER), and was welcomed by many people with chants and applause.

Giving a short speech at the airport, Güzel said: "I have been released from prison, but a part of me is sad. I am happy to be reunited with my people, but I am still not free. Our struggle will continue." Güzel then set out for Erxeni (Ergani) district with his family.

Serhat Güzel was arrested in Samsun on 15 February 1991, tried at the Diyarbakır State Security Court (DGM) and sentenced to life imprisonment. Over the years, he was held in various prisons; Mardin, Ordu, Amasya, Erzurum, Kırıkkale and finally Antalya S Type High Security Prison. Güzel's release was postponed twice by the Administration and Observation Board on the grounds that he did not show "remorse".