PYD Switzerland holds annual conference

Gulistan Sadun and Ali Omer were elected as PYD Switzerland term spokespeople after the annual party’s conference.

The Democratic Union Party (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokratîk-PYD) held its 8th conference at the Rojava Culture Association in Zurich.

Swiss Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-S) co-chair Selma Sürer and PYD delegates attended the conference.

The conference, attended by 48 delegates, started with a minute’s silence in memory of the Kurdistan Freedom Martyrs.

The conference presented and discussed the yearly report. Delegates condemned the occupation by the Turkish state of areas in South Kurdistan, and the KDP collaboration with Turkey.

The one-year activity report of the Swiss PYD was read by the term spokesman Abbas Omar. Gülistan Sadun and Ali Omer were elected as spokespeople for the new term.