4-year-old crashed by Turkish armored vehicle loses foot

Vehicles driven by Turkish soldiers and police officers continue to cause deaths in the Kurdish region.

Nesrin Kılıç and her 4-year-old son Suavi Kılıç were crashed by a Turkish military vehicle while crossing the street in Şırnak’s Silopi district yesterday. The mother and son were both taken under treatment at hospital.

While Nesrin Kılıç is reported to be in stable condition, Suavi Kılıç had one of his feet amputated.

Turkish invasion forces have committed numerous murders with armored vehicles in Northern Kurdistan region in recent years. Turkish soldiers and police officers have claimed the lives of dozens of civilians whom they hit with the vehicles they drive too fast in the city and town centers.

In a report published by Human Rights Association (IHD) last October, Turkish armoured military vehicles killed 29 civilians, mostly in “traffic accidents” since 2016.

There have been around 20 incidents with armored vehicles in the region since the State of Emergency to date. At least 30 people have lost their lives in road accidents or gunfire from armored vehicles, while 39 others have been wounded. Just in Diyarbakır alone, 21 people have lost their lives in road accidents or gunfire from armored vehicles in the last year.