'If Erdoğan falls, prices will also fall', says Green Party election poster

With the elections about a month away, the Greens and the Left Future Party continue to open election offices in Turkey and Kurdistan.

The Greens and Left Future Party, which has become the key party in the elections, continues to open election offices around. The posters for the campaign are much appreciated.

One of the posters in Batman (Elîh) says why it is not a good idea to vote for Erdoğan and the People's Alliance. It used a photograph of Erdoğan falling from a horse, and the phrase "If Erdoğan falls, the exchange rate / house prices / car prices / medicine prices will also fall".

In other posters, those who suffered injustice during the AKP government told about what happened to them and the call on people to 'support’ and ‘vote'.