KCK: The attacks by the Turkish State and SNA must be opposed and protested everywhere

KCK said that the attacks by Turkey and SNA target the aspirations of the peoples, the hopes for the end of the war and conflicts in Syria after the fall of the Baath regime and the reconstruction of a democratic Syria where peoples will live equally.

The co-presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement about the necessity to oppose the ongoing attacks by the Turkish state and its SNA in order to build a sovereign, united, and democratic Syria.

The statement also highlights that the Turkish state is deliberately attacking civilians at the Tishrin dam, and commemorates those who gave their lives.

The statement said: "After the fall of the Baathist regime in Syria, the genocidal colonialist Turkish state has intensified its invasion attacks, focusing on the Qereqozakh bridge and the Tishrin dam. In its attacks, the Turkish state is also deliberately targeting civilians and unarmed people who are flocking to Tishrin to protect the dam from being further attacked. In the most recent airstrikes against the civilian population, six people were murdered and dozens were wounded.

We strongly condemn the Turkish state’s occupation and its inhuman attacks against the people. And we pay tribute to all the martyrs of Tishrin who gave their lives defending their country against occupation. They are the martyrs of the people of Rojava, North and East Syria, all of Syria, and all of Kurdistan. It is the most essential demand that every patriot must place on herself/himself to be loyal to the martyrs, to continue the path they have taken, and to further develop the struggle they have led. The fact that the people of North and East Syria continue to flock to Tishrin without showing any fear despite the attacks is an expression of this very patriotic loyalty."

The statement added: "Cuma Xelîl (commonly known as Bave Teyar), a well-known and beloved artist-actor among the Kurdish people, expressed this mentality shortly before he gave his life in the attacks at Tishrin. He gave a statement in which he delivered a message addressed to the genocidal colonialist Turkish state, saying, “We do not fear you! We will always resist, no matter what it may take!” He thereby expressed the attitude of the Kurdish people and all the peoples of North and East Syria. We commemorate him and bow with respect to his courage, commitment, and sacrifice. The peoples of Northe and East Syria must continue to flock to Tishrin and defend the legacy of their martyrs strongly. All peoples and democratic forces, especially the patriotic people of Kurdistan, must stand in even stronger solidarity with the people of North and East Syria, protesting the attacks of the Turkish state and its mercenaries and gangs under the name of SNA everywhere. We call on everyone to take action on this basis."

The statement continued: "The attacks by the Turkish state and its SNA target the hope and aspirations of the peoples, the hopes for the end of the war and conflicts in Syria after the fall of the Baath regime and the reconstruction of a democratic Syria where all peoples will live together equally. The Turkish state carries out these attacks to prevent the development of a democratic Syria. Therefore, everyone who favors a democratic Syria and the unity of Syria must see this danger and oppose the attacks of the Turkish state. The attacks by the Turkish state and its SNA are against the sovereignty of the Syrian people and international law. Whichever way one looks at it, these attacks are illegitimate, cause massacres, and serve the Turkish occupationist aspirations. For this reason, it is unacceptable to remain blind, deaf, and silent to these attacks. The UN, of which Syria is a member, the Arab League, and the coalition forces in Syria must no longer remain silent and take a stance against the attacks and massacres of the Turkish state."