Kurdistan Youth Festival held in Freiburg

With the participation of hundreds of young people, the second Kurdistan Youth Festival was held in Freiburg, Germany with the slogan "Çand Mertala Hebûna Me Ye (Culture is the Armour of Our Existence)".

Hundreds of Kurdish young people from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Switzerland came together at the Kurdistan Youth Festival in Freiburg. At the beginning of the festival, the crowd marched towards the stage and chanted "Bijî Serok APO" [Long Live Leader Öcalan].

The festival continued with a minute of silence in memory of all the martyrs of the revolution in the person of Şehîd Bişeng Brûsk, Sara Hogir Riha, Dijwar Tolhildan and Tolhildan Qendil. After the minute of silence, the festival organising committee made the opening speech.

The committee emphasised that the only way for the youth to oppose the special war policies is to keep Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan alive at every moment of their lives. "Dear Kurdistan youth, we are walking together in this struggle with the assurance that you will frustrate the special war policies. First and foremost, we condemn the unprecedented isolation of Leader Apo in the Imrali prison and we call on you, the youth, to fight against isolation."

After the opening speech, Sidar Berîtan on behalf of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger, TCŞ) and Arya Nurhak on behalf of the Movement of Young Women Militants (Jinên Cîwan ên Têkoşer, TekoJIN) made a speech. The joint statement highlighted the importance of the people's resurrection under the leadership of the guerrilla resistance and its embrace all over the world. It was stated that "the resistance in Zap and the war methods developed against the techniques of the fascist enemy proved Leader Apo right."

The Youth Festival has been organised in Europe every year without interruption since the 1990s. In 1998, Abdullah Öcalan attended the Mazlum Doğan Sports and Culture Festival organised in the Netherlands via telephone connection and made a speech to the youth. Since then, the festival has been organised with the aim of increasing the fighting power of young people. In the festival, the youth identity and ideological stance of Mazlum Doğan, one of the PKK's leading cadres, is presented as an example to the youth.

The stage programme continued with speeches by Engin Sever, Co-Chair of the Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe (KCDK-E), Gülistan Ateş on behalf of the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) and Mesut Arvas on behalf of the Families of Martyrs. In the statements, attention was drawn to the role of the youth within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question" campaign.

After the speeches, the new anthem of the TCŞ was performed by Ciwan Şoreş for the first time at the festival. Artists including ÇAR NEWA group, İBO QAMIŞLO, MERAL ALKAN, RÊBER SERHED and BEYAN took the stage with their revolutionary songs. The event continued with the performance of a folklore group consisting of young people from the city of Saarbrücken and a cinevision screening about the role of young people against the special war.

Boxing, chess, table tennis, badminton and other games took place in the festival area. The festival started at 11.00 in the morning and ended at 18.00 in the evening.