The ‘March to Hakkari for democracy’ to kick off from Şemdinli tomorrow

Before the rally to be held in Hakkari against the usurpation of the municipality, the 3-day march will start from Şemdinli district tomorrow.

The Hakkari Municipality won by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) in the 31 March local elections was usurped by a government-appointed trustee on 3 June. Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış, whose office was usurped by the decision of the Turkish Ministry of Interior, was arrested with a prison sentence of 19 years and 6 months in a case that has been ongoing for 10 years.

A rally will be held in Hakkari on 13 June in protest at the usurpation of the municipality. The rally will be participated by masses from the districts, towns and villages of Hakkari under the motto ‘We are marching to Hakkari for democracy’. The march will start in the Şemdinli district of Hakkari at 13.00 tomorrow with the participation of Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chairs, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MPs and local people.

Participants of the march will be Şemdinli and its villages tomorrow and in the Yüksekova district and affiliated villages on 11 June.

On 12 June, the group will be in the Çukurca district and affiliated villages. After Çukurca, the participants will reach the city centre on the same day and will massively invite the residents of Hakkari to the rally.

On 13 June, the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), the Free Women's Movement (TJA), DEM Party, Labour and Freedom Alliance, DEM Party components and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) will participate in the rally to be held in the city centre.