Veteran Peshmerga: Greater plans against Kurdistan underway

Dêrîn (Veteran) Peshmerga Mam Hazim said that Turkey does not only target the PKK but also aims to occupy Kirkuk, Hewler and Mosul before 2023. “Everyone should take responsibility in this period and support the Freedom Movement,” he stated.

Veteran peshmerga Mam Hazim raised concern over the Turkish invasion attacks on Kurdistan lands. “The issue is not the PKK, the Turkish state is also launching invasion attacks in many regions where the PKK is not active,” he noted.

The veteran peshmerga reacted to the Turkish invasion attacks on Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) and KDP's cooperation with the Turkish forces.

Hazim said that huge schemes are being made against the Kurdish people, who, he said, should be careful in the face of these plans and schemes. “The Kurdish people should give strong support to the Freedom Movement which fights against the attacks on Zap, Avaşîn, Metîna, Zendura, Mamreşo, Başûr, Rojava, Şengal and Maxmur. Everyone should take responsibility and adopt an attitude during this period,” he said.

Hazim also noted that Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan has been subjected to torture in prison for years.

The veteran peshmerga urged the KDP not to leave another black mark beside its name. “I call on the KDP to stay conscious. Nobody should pit brother against brother. KDP forces should not leave another black mark on their history. Only enemy forces can benefit from a conflict among the Kurds. Our people would suffer the most."


Hazim disagreed with the claim that “the Turkish attacks target the PKK's presence,” saying, “Many areas where the PKK does not exist are also under invasion attacks. Turkey wants to occupy those areas as well. For example, the Maxmur Refugee Camp, established by the UN, where women, children and old people stay, has been bombed constantly in recent years.”

“The enemy forces are killing children each day, plundering the nature of Kurdistan. What really matters is not the PKK, bigger schemes are at work. Turkey seeks to return to its borders declared in the National Pact (Misak-ı Milli in Turkish),” Hazim said.

The National Pact is a set of decisions concerning Turkey’s borders, announced in 1920. Turkish nationalists still claim these borders are the legitimate borders of Turkey.

“Turkmens think that Kirkuk, Hewlêr and Mosul are their own cities. They aim to occupy these cities before 2023,” Hazim added.

“The Kurdish people should be vigilant against the schemes and plans of the enemy. Everyone should fulfil their responsibilities in this process,” Hazim concluded.