13 people arrested in Erzurum, Muş and Aydın
AKP government continues its political genocide operations targeting Kurdish politicians.
AKP government continues its political genocide operations targeting Kurdish politicians.
13 people were arrested in Erzurum, Muş and Aydın as the AKP government continues its political genocide operations targeting Kurdish politicians.
6 of the tens of people detained in the Karayazı district of Erzurum between August 1 and 10 have been arrested, and the total number of arrests rose to 11.
Former HDP Provincial Administrator Ebedin Yiğit and Former Rojava Solidarity and Aid Association President Mehmetşah Uçar, who had been detained during house raids on August 16, were arrested and sent to jail.
5 of the people detained during simultaneous house raids on August 16, were arrested. 2 of the detainees had been arrested earlier.