27 in police custody after raid on Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi newspaper
27 journalists and workers of Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi newspaper and Gun Printing House are still being held in police custody.
27 journalists and workers of Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi newspaper and Gun Printing House are still being held in police custody.
According to information gathered from the lawyers of Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi, 27 people are still in custody in Istanbul. The detainees are accused of “being a member of an armed organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”.
The detainees were identified as owner of Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi İhsan Yaşar, owner of Gün Printing House Sahibi Kasım Zengin, workers of printing house Erdoğan Zamur, Kemal Kurt, Musa Kaya, Cemal Tunç, Kemal Daşdöğen, İrfan Karaca, Mehmet Emin Sumeli, İhsan Sinmiş, Uğur Selman Kelekçiler, Kazım Göçer, Necati Hızarcı, Mahmut Abay, Mehmet Özkara, Cumali Öz, Mürsel Demir, Polat Arslan, Süleyman Güneş, Cenk Kale, Cengiz Kaya, İsmail Ergene, Semih Tamay, Özgür Bozkurt, Sadettin Demirtaş, İsmail and Muhammet.
The offices of Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi and Gun Printing House were raided by Turkish police yesterday. Turkish government-appointed trustees for both organizations.
Lawyers said that the Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office launched two separate investigations about the organizations on February 7 and March 23.