Academics in Germany to hold press conference for Rojava today
Academics, scientists and politicians in Germany are holding a press conference today against the occupation in northern Syria-Rojava.
Academics, scientists and politicians in Germany are holding a press conference today against the occupation in northern Syria-Rojava.
The press conference will be attended by a number of academics including Dr. Norman Peach, EU-Turkey Civil Forum (EUTCC) Chairman Prof. Dr. Kariane Westrheim, dr. Dersim Dağdeviren and the Die Linke Federal Parliament Member Gökay Akbulut.
The press conference is called “Scientists-Academics against the war in northern Syria / Rojava" and will begin at 9.30 this morning in Haus der Bundespressekonferenz - Raum 1, Schiffbauerdamm 40 / Ecke, Reinhardtstr. 55, 10117 Berlin.
The academics will draw attention in particular to the occupation carried out by Turkey and the responsibilities of the international community.