Actions for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla held throughout Europe

Sakine Cansız, one of the founders of the PKK, KNK Paris Representative Fidan Doğan and the Youth Movement activist Leyla Şaylemez were commemorated in many cities throughout Europe today.

Kurds and their friends protested against the perpetrators of the Paris massacre and paid tribute to Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.


An action was organised in Mainz. Women came together at Gutenbergplatz, carrying photos of  Cansız, Doğan and Şaylemez.

At the same time, a tribute corner was opened in Rüsselsheim in memory of the three Kurdish politicians.


An action was organised in front of the French Consulate in Munich.

A meeting was held with consular officials and activists asked the perpetrators of the massacre to be punished.


In Frankfurt, an action was organized in front of the French Consulate by the Amara Women's Assembly.

A black wreath was left in front of the door of the French Consulate and the authorities were given a file on the murders.

Women Defend Rojava group also supported the action.


The Paris massacre was also protested in Toulouse, France.

Marie-Thèrèse Martinelli of the World Women's March also attended the rally, which started with a minute silence.

Martinelli pointed out that the perpetrators of the massacre have yet to be tried, and said that the French state with its silence was actually a supporter of the murders.