Activists in Athens protest Turkish state's invasion attacks on Medya Defense Areas

The Turkish state's invasion attacks on Medya Defense Areas in partnership with the KDP were protested with a march in Athens.

The Kurdistan Cultural Association and the Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Civanên Şoreşger-TCŞ) in Athens protested the invading Turkish army's attacks in cooperation with the KDP on guerrilla areas.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Council of Europe representation and later walked towards the Turkish consulate.

While internationalists joined the march, the residents of the city supported it with applause. Some activists wore gas masks to draw attention to the Turkish state's chemical attacks.

During the march, activists carried Kurdish people's leader Öcalan photos, PKK flags, banners with the words "Defend Kurdistan" and photographs of guerrillas who fell as martyrs in the attacks carried out with chemical weapons.

Activists often chanted slogans such as "Kurdistan will be a graveyard for fascism", "Bijî berxwedana gerila", "Dîsa dîsa serhildan serokê me Öcalan".

Activists said in a statement read in front of the Turkish consulate, that the invasion attacks would not yield any results, and saluted the guerrillas' resistance. The statement also condemned the complicity of the KDP in the attacks.