Activists in London celebrate anniversary of Rojava Revolution
Kurdish and solidarity groups take action to mark 10th anniversary of Rojava revolution in London.
Kurdish and solidarity groups take action to mark 10th anniversary of Rojava revolution in London.
The Rojava Revolution is celebrated across the world as the anniversary of the revolution based on women’s liberation, social ecology and direct democracy.
Activists from Kurdish and solidarity groups carry out a 'banner drop' at Westminster Bridge, in London, to mark a decade since the ongoing democratic social experiment began in Rojava (North and East Syria) .
Activists demand action from the UK government, which continues to sell arms to Turkey, despite the Turkish state’s ongoing illegal occupation and war in North and East Syria.
TCŞ (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger), JXK (Jinên Xwendekarên Kurdistan) and London Kurdistan Solidarity activists, dropped a banner from Westminster Bridge with the portraits of the 8 internationalist martyrs Hêlîn Qereçox, Soro Zinar, Canşêr Zagros, Berxvara Rojava, and Kemal Givara.