Activists in Mardin protest detention of women defending rights
The Mardin Labor and Democracy Platform made a statement regarding the increasing violence against women and the arrest of politicians, including Rosa Women's Association members.
The Mardin Labor and Democracy Platform made a statement regarding the increasing violence against women and the arrest of politicians, including Rosa Women's Association members.
Along with the platform components, People's Democratic Party (HDP) spokesperson Ebru Günay and HDP Mardin MP Pero Dündar attended the meeting held at the Confederation of Public Workers Trade Unions (KESK).
Women are targeted by the government
Condemning the arrest of 12 people in Amed, Gülizar Ipek from the KESK Mardin Women's Council remarked: “The political power, which is using all kinds of violence, is specifically targeting women who are organising solidarity network and campaign against the patriarchal mentality.”
Ipek emphasized that women who raised their voices and struggled to prevent rape criminals from circulating among the society were taken into custody.
"These arrests convey the message that violence and pressure against women will increase more and that women have no place in society. The women’s activities shown as motives for bringing charges and detention are in fact activities promoting and demanding democratic rights not just for women but for the whole society. Indeed, these arrests are targeting not just women but the entire society."
Ipek ended her statement demanding the immediate release of all arrested activists.