Protests against the seizure of municipalities are been organised all over Europe.
In the city of Montpellier a march was organised by the DKTM and the Delal Amed Women's Commune, from Peyrou Pitot Park to Comedie Square. Representatives of the French left parties also joined the march together with representatives of Kurdish institutions.
The seizure of three HDP-run municipalities was also protested in the Dutch city of the Hague. The TJK opened a tent in front of the Parliament building and read a press release about the AKP political coup against the municipalities of Amed, Van and Mardin.
Rojava Committee and Tevgera Ciwanen Şoreşger activists protested the seizure of Amed, Van and Mardin municipalities in Barfüsserplatz in Basel. A banner in German was opened saying 'Stop the attacks of the Turkish State on Amed-Van-Mardin'.
Photos of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, and flags of KCK and YPG-YPJ were carried by activists.