Several Alevi and Kurdish organizations in exile call on Europe and the United States to reconsider their relations with the Turkish government and to respond with "tough sanctions" to Ankara's provocative actions. In just one week, the "dictatorship of the fascist duo" led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (AKP) and Devlet Bahçeli (MHP), described even by the EU as autocratic, has moved closer to its goal of eroding all human rights and eliminating democratic associations by banning the HDP, revoking the mandate of MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, withdrawing Turkey from the Istanbul Convention on the Protection of Women from Violence, and demanding a ban on the politics of 687 leading HDP members. "These events may well be seen as a fundamental first step by this dictatorship towards the subjugation of an entire society," the organizations warn, urging the German government to oppose the Turkish regime's "anti-Kurdish policy of annihilation" instead of encouraging Erdoğan and pouring oil on the fire by criminalizing Kurds in this country.
Parallels between Erdoğan's justice mechanism and beginnings of Nazi justice
The author of the appeal is the Platform for Local Associations, which includes the Congress for the Reconstruction of Dersim (DIK), Federation of Democratic-Alevi Associations from Maraş (MARDEF), Platform of Kurds from Central Anatolia (PKAN), Association Against Genocide, te Qoçgiri Europa Cultural Center, Xinis Association in Germany, Malatya-Kürecik Initiative and the Gelê Xinisê Initiative. They describe the ban proceedings initiated against the HDP as a political coup. "The fact that this coup was followed by the denunciation of the Istanbul Women's Protection Convention is no coincidence. It is just a single operation in the plan to smash democracy." It said the People's Alliance (electoral alliance between the AKP and MHP) has transformed the judiciary and designed its own judicial mechanism. Parallels to the beginnings of Nazi justice can already be seen, the associations warn.
Germany's closing of ranks promotes violent anti-Kurdish policy
"The effort to ban a party that represents the will of more than six million voters, impeachment of elected mayors, acceleration of revocation of parliamentary memberships, arrest of thousands of members - including party leaders - at provincial and district levels can only be made possible by the fascist mentality of a dictatorship that disregards the rule of law and the will of society. Since the 1990s, Turkey's Kurds and democracy forces have been systematically pushed to the sidelines of legal politics by Turkish governments through anti-democratic and fascist methods, through violence, repression, terror and intimidation. The state, which relies solely on the so-called security policy regarding the Kurdish question, continues to seek the solution in the dead end of violence. The support of the U.S. administration under Donald Trump for the duo of Erdoğan and Bahçeli, and the closing of ranks of Germany as the leading European power with Turkey, guided by economic and political interests, promotes the genocidal and political policy of annihilation against the Kurds."
Operation against democracy directed against all of us
In the face of the "racist and fascist" attack on the HDP and the Kurdish people, the spirited engagement of all forces of democracy is now needed - whether in Kurdistan, Turkey, the Middle East or any other part of the world, the undersigned organizations demand. "The Turkish state's operation against democracy is directed against all of us."