At least 246 people detained in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan in 5 days

Journalists, politicians and activists are among those detained across Turkey during the past 5 days in the wake of the guerrilla action directed against the Turkish Ministry of Interior in Ankara.

Guerrillas carried out an action targeting the Security General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs near the Parliament in Kızılay, in Ankara on 1 October. The action was carried out on the day when MPs met in parliament for the first time after the summer recess. The sacrificial action was carried out by a team affiliated with the Brigade of the Immortals, according to the People’s Defense Center (HSM) Headquarters Command.

The Turkish police have been conducting detention operations in several cities since the day of the action. The detentions, described as an "anti-terror operation", were justified by the Turkish authorities on the grounds of alleged links of the persons concerned to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) as well as alleged support for the guerrilla action in Ankara.

The AKP/MHP regime in Turkey continues operations to eliminate the Kurdish and democratic opposition for the fifth consecutive day.

2 October

On 2 October, at least 20 people were taken into custody in two police operations in Istanbul and Kırıklareli, targeting the People's Democratic Congress (HDK) and the People's Democratic Party (HDP). A confidentiality order was imposed on the investigation. The detainees, who were denied access to lawyers for 24 hours, were referred to court on Thursday and 16 of them were released, while 4 were remanded in custody.

3 October

On 3 October, 55 people, most of them refugees, were taken into custody in operations in 16 cities, including Urfa, Mardin, Diyarbakır, Antep, Mersin, Şırnak, Istanbul, Bursa, Batman, Denizli, Adana, Kayseri, Antalya, Konya, Isparta and Kocaeli.

Twenty detained women were released after giving their statements on Wednesday evening. The women were accused of membership in a terrorist organisation.

While the procedures for the detainees continued, the number of detainees increased and 70 people have been referred to courts today.

4 October

On 4 October, 37 people were detained in 15 provinces, including Van, Urfa, Elazığ, Düzce, Diyarbakır, Bursa, Edirne, Kırklareli, Kilis, Iğdır, Hatay, Adana, Maraş and Denizli. The detainees are accused of "social media" posts. 

5 October

The Turkish Interior Minister, Ali Yerlikaya, announced that 24 people were taken into custody in flat raids in the provinces of Erzurum, Antep, Istanbul and Şırnak on 5 October. A citizen from North-East Syria, with the initials H.M. was remanded in custody in Adıyaman for alleged “membership in a terrorist organization”.

6 October

Turkish police stormed homes in eleven provinces in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan today and detained at least 75 people in İzmir, Eskişehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Batman, Hakkari, Mardin, Diyarbakır, Ağrı, Bitlis and Şırnak. Those detained today include Mezopotamya Agency (MA) correspondent Ahmet Kanbal, HDP İzmir provincial co-chairs Berna Çelik and Çınar Altan, HDP Buca district co-chair Nihat Türk, Önsöz Magazine chief editor Songül Yücel, Önsöz Magazine editorial board member Sena Şat, HDP Kocaeli provincial co-chair Aynur Sento, HDP Gebze district executive member Şaziye Zorba, HDP Kartal district executive member Bülent Turan. 

Journalist Ahmet Kanbal is accused of “spreading propaganda for the PKK” in connection with his social media posts and news articles.

In Istanbul, police stormed Ayışığı Ekin Arts Association and the building of Yeni Dönem Publishing House, where the Mücadele Birliği (Union of Struggle) newspaper is printed.

In İzmir, the HDP provincial office and district offices in Buca and Konak were stormed by the police.

On the other hand, Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office issued a detention warrant for 23 people who shared posts on their social media accounts about the action carried out by guerrillas against the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The prosecutor's office claimed that those wanted were spreading "terrorist propaganda".