Attack on BDP in Batman: one dead

Attack on BDP in Batman: one dead

Individuals claiming to be members of the newly formed Free Cause Party (Hür Dava Partisi or HÜDA-PAR) attacked a group of BDP supporters in the Petrol Neighborhood of Batman. Although no reasons for the attack were given, HÜDA-PAR is widely considered to be an offshoot of the Islamist Hizbullah movement which worked with the Turkish state in its fight against the PKK and other Kurdish activists. The organization, which also draws is membership from local Kurds, was founded with cooperation from the state and has been accused of committing many murders and acts of terror in the past.

Özcan Temel, a father of two, was killed in the attack while a second individual, Mert Kasar, was severely injured and remains in hospital along with five others who were also injured during the attack.

Temel's relatives, BDP executives and NGO representatives gathered outside the hospital after the incident while the youths in the neighborhood took to the streets and protested the attack.

Eyewitness Sedat Kaya told that executives and members of the HÜDA-PAR attacked them with kalashnikov weapons following a debate with BDP members who were performing electoral works in the Petrol neighborhood. They threatened us and prevented our works before opening fire on our group, Kaya said and remarked that police saw the group at the scene but didn't intervene them.

Kaya said the HÜDA-PAR group said "Allahü Ekber" (God Is Great) while attacking the BDP group, and added that; "They are trying to take us back to 90's but we will never remain silent in the face of their attacks for we are not the Kurds of the 90's any more".