Bayık: September will determine the fate of the non-conflict environment

Bayık: September will determine the fate of the non-conflict environment

Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council co-president Cemil Bayık said in his clomn on Kurdish daily Azadiya Welat that the month of September would determine the fate of the non-conflict environment maintained for more than eight months now.

Remarking that the AKP government has sped up its preparations for war within this process instead of taking a step serving a solution, Bayık said Kurdish leader and movement were waiting for moves from the government's side in response to the calls they made for the practice of urgent steps on September 1.

Bayık warned that the period of more than eight months without clashes between Kurdish guerillas and the Turkish army faced the risk of ending unless the AKP government displayed determination for the achievement of a democratic solution to the Kurdish question soon. He said the government's failure to do so would mean that the one-sided steps of the Kurdish side have not have been reciprocated. "In that case, guerrillas would suspend their withdrawal and review the situation after seeing that their efforts have not been answered", Bayık said.

Criticizing the AKP government for considering the Kurdish side's calls as a threat, KCK Executive underlined that a calendar is needed to be followed while trying to come up with a solution to these kind of issues everywhere on earth. He noted that Kurds have also put their demands forward like all those who give a struggle for their rights.

Bayık underlined that "The Kurdish movement which has come to these days by giving a fight and paying heavy prices for 40 years now will not allow the AKP government to delay the solution of the problem and to launch an elimination operation when it finds a chance".

Bayık called on the AKP government to approach the negotiation process with responsibility, underlining that the Kurdish movement will continue to display a determined stance against the policies that cause a deadlock in the solution of the Kurdish question.