Call for the establishment of a 'Democracy Front' against AKP's war
TTB, KESK, TMMOB and DİSK called for the establishment of an urgent 'Democracy Front' against the AKP/Palace's war targeting Kurds and opponent circles.
TTB, KESK, TMMOB and DİSK called for the establishment of an urgent 'Democracy Front' against the AKP/Palace's war targeting Kurds and opponent circles.
Turkish Doctors' Union (TTB),Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK), Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions (DİSK) held a joint press conference on the current political developments and discussions on a democracy front.
The press conference at Istanbul Chamber of Doctors office was attended by TMMOB Executive Board Chairman Emin Koramaz, DİSK President Keni Beko, KESK Co-president Lami Özgen, TTB Chairman Raşit Tükel as well as representatives of many NGOs and political parties
Reading the joint press release, TTB Chairman Raşit Tükel pointed out that the political developments in Turkey forced them to adopt a manner which -he said- is to get organised as a democracy front against the political ruling that is getting more authoritarian.
Tükel said; "The government that owes its existence to polarizing and antagonizing the society has today started a war against every single segment that it considers to be standing against it. The country is being brought closer to the edge of a cliff every day. The government sees every way allowable to attain a constitutional guarantee for the "Super Presidential" system which it has already put into practice de facto. One part of our country is being bombed every day, people are dying, mothers are crying, the nature is being destroyed and ancient towns are being brought down in ruins. With the judiciary under its control, the government continues to transform our country into a prison. To make matters worse, the government is lifting the immunities of the deputies elected by the people, and granting immunity to military forces. A coup is being staged on the will of the people, i.e. on the Parliament."
Tükel remarked that this course of events threatens workers in particular as rights of laborers will be facing a growing pressure in a society that is silenced with racist, reactionary, discriminatory and repressive policies. He recalled that the political ruling also continues to receive support from segments of capital as it transforms these lands into a labor hell with slaves working for cheaper prices.
Tükel stressed that those mongering war and deprive the society of a chance for peace are the enemies of humanity, workers, nature, women, children, animals and cities. He put emphasis on the urgent need for a democracy front that will unify and mobilise popular opposition and serve as a "signal flare" against darkness. He said workers' and laborers' organisations declare hereby that they will undertake responsibility in such a process.
Tükel ended, calling upon the peoples of Turkey, those the government labelled an 'enemy', their brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, and those defending peace to change the destiny of the country under the current circumstances that are getting severer every day.