Co-Chair system of Rojava, an online session

Online session to explain the co-chair system in Rojava.

The Provisional Neighbourocracy Parliament of India (PNPI) and Civil Diplomacy Center, Northern and Eastern Syria, organized an online session dedicated to the co-chair system of Rojava. 

The co-chair system of Rojava ensures the representation of women in the administration and in decision-making in all committees and councils. 

It's a bold experiment in gender equality in leadership and a success story of governance from below.

The session will take place tomorrow, 9 May, at 08:00pm IST/ 02:30pm UTC.

Registration here 

The speakers are as follows:

Ms. Sema Bagdash of the PYD will take us on a journey in her first person sharing of the inception and the process that led to the realisation of the Co-Chair system of governance in Rojava. 

The session will be moderated by Mr. John Buck, Author - We the people: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy 

Words of wisdom will be shared by Fr. Edwin, Founder of Neighbourocracy