Co-chairs to assemble to assess the election results
Co-chairs of HDP, DBP, HDK and DTK will assemble at HDP Headquarters today afternoon to assess the results of yesterday's general election.
Co-chairs of HDP, DBP, HDK and DTK will assemble at HDP Headquarters today afternoon to assess the results of yesterday's general election.
Co-chairs of HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party), DBP (Party of Democratic Regions), HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress) and DTK (Democratic Society Congress) will assemble at HDP Headquarters today afternoon to assess the results of yesterday's general election.
The assembly will be followed by a meeting of the HDP Central Executive Board (MYK) which will also be participated by co-chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş.
The meeting will handle the election results, MYK assembly and preparations for the delayed congress.