Conference about Ocalan and Democratic Confederalism in Palermo
A conference called “Ocalan and Democratic Confederalism: Towards the creation of a fair, pluralistic and ecological society” will be held in Palermo.
A conference called “Ocalan and Democratic Confederalism: Towards the creation of a fair, pluralistic and ecological society” will be held in Palermo.
The conference is promoted by UIKI - Kurdistan Information Office in Italy, Palermo in Solidarity with the Kurdish People, Box 3 Autogestito and sponsored by the Municipality of Palermo and will be held at the Aula Magna of the University of Palermo, in Italy, on 11 April.
The conference has been supported by ARCI Palermo, CISS - Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, COBAS Palermo, Comitato di Base No Muos, Associazione Sakalash, Assemblea Anarchica palermitana, Moltivolti, USB - Unione Sindacale di Base (Pa), Rifondazione Comunista (Pa), Potere al Popolo (Pa), Sinistra Italiana (Pa).
About 8 years have passed since the advent of the Arab springs and the beginning of the civil war in Syria.
The peoples are now trying to build their own alternative system based on the experience of the Democratic Confederalism as devised by Abdullah Ocalan which shows us how it is possible to implement a a new project capable of giving voice to the will of the peoples living in their territory.
An experiment in radical and direct democracy based on women's freedom.
In the aftermath of the defeat of ISIS, the creation of an egalitarian society is reality.
The Program of the Conference is as follows:
9:30 Welcome greetings - Prof. Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo
10:00 am opening
Building a free society - Democratic Confederalism
Prof. Salvo Vaccaro - University of Palermo
Ocalan's conditions and the Imrali system
Avv. Ibrahim Bilmez, lawyer of Abdullah Ocalan, from Asrin Hukuk Burosu
The liberation of women in Rojava
Rohash Shexo representative of Kongreya Star Rojava (Congress of women's organizations)
13.00 Conclusions - Prof. Vincenzo Guarrasi - University of Palermo
Moderator: Prof. Renato Franzitta - Kurdistan Network
Coordinator: Tiziana Albanese - Box 3 Autogestito