DBP: Let us boost the resistance on 1 November

DBP: Let us boost the resistance on 1 November

The Party of Democratic Regions (DBP), saying the Kobanê resistance has taken its place on the world agenda, has called on the people to join the protests planned for 1 November, saying: we call on the people of Kurdistan to join the solidarity actions with Kurdistan.”

The DBP Central Office has issued an appeal for people to join the Kobanê Global Action Day. The appeal stated: "As we all know, the heroic resistance in Kobanê against ISIS barbarism, which symbolises the hope, not just of the peoples of Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East, but also of all the peoples of the world, is continuing. This noble resistance is defending humanity, not territory. The DBP added that the resistance had led to recent uprisings in which dozens of people had died.

'Against those waiting for the Kobanê resistance to fade…’

The DBP statement continued, saying that there were demonstrations planned all over the world on the Kobanê Global Action Day, to greet the resistance in Kobanê to the barbarism of the Middle Ages, from Argentina to India and from Equador to Italy, supported by intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky and Nobel Peace laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel. “The people of the world are coming out on the streets to demand their governments do not just wait for the Kobanê resistance to fade, instead calling on them to take action.”

'Our people should join the solidarity wherever they are’

The DBP announced that it would actively participate in the rallies planned to take place at 2 pm on Saturday 1 November all over the world.

The statement concluded by calling on the people of Kurdistan to join the global solidarity actions with Kobanê and boost the resistance, saying the party would take an active part in rallies planned to take place in every city.