"Defend Kurdistan" presents documentary about 2021 peace delegation to South Kurdistan

"Defend Kurdistan" has finished a documentary about the peace delegation to South Kurdistan in summer 2021. Film screenings are currently being prepared.

As the campaign "Defend Kurdistan" reports, the documentary film "No Friends but The Mountains" has been completed. The film accompanies the journey of a European peace delegation to South Kurdistan and shows insights into the political situation on site. The delegation aimed to examine and draw international attention to developments in Turkey's escalating war of aggression in the summer of 2021.

The description of the film says: “In the midst of a threatening inter-Kurdish conflict, the delegation travel to historically and politically important locations. Here they get to know a large number of political representatives. Among them Baba Sheikh, the cultural head of the Yazidi women, who invited the delegation to the holy temple of Lalesh and provided insights into special rituals performed by the Yazidi. Representatives of the various parties in South Kurdistan also talk about the current situation and their perspectives.

The film documents the difficulties that the participants are confronted with at the beginning and during the journey. Participants are not allowed to enter the country, an interview is interrupted by soldiers and the delegation is held in a hotel for two days. But all that cannot prevent the exchange with local MPs - the need for this is too great. At the end, the Yazidi women's Sharia refugee camp is visited. Three women impressively tell their story and call for support from abroad. Despite the obstacles, the final declaration by the 'Defend Kurdistan' delegation will be broadcast live nationwide and an immediate stop to the Turkish attacks on SouthKurdistan and the withdrawal of all Turkish troops and Islamist mercenaries will be demanded.”

Film screenings

The first film screenings are currently being prepared in several cities. Those interested in showing the film can contact the organizers at [email protected]).