Delegation from NE Syria visits the US
The talks in the US will handle various issues including Syrian constitutional committee and border security.
The talks in the US will handle various issues including Syrian constitutional committee and border security.
A delegation from the Federation of North and East Syria has arrived in Washington for a series of talks with the US officials. The delegation includes Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) Executive Committee President Ilham Ehmed and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria Executive Committee Co-President Elizabet Gewriye.
The delegation is expected to have talks with the US officials on important subjects including works for the new constitutional committee in Syria and border security.
Speaking to ANHA, Ehmed said that; “Establishment of a constitutional committee was approved by Astana countries and announced at the triple summit (between Russia, Turkey and Iran). This constitutional committee has no legitimacy for the people of Syria. Keeping the representatives of the region off this work will reveal great threats for the future of Syria.”
Remarking that new conspiracies are underway in Syria, Ehmed remarked that this committee was formed in return for a ceasefire in Idlib. She said this deal is not for the benefit of Syrian peoples.
Ehmed stated that they will have talks with US officials also concerning the “border security” issue.
Ehmed continued; “The Turkish state, which has been using the refugees to get money from European countries, is now using them to invade North and East Syria. It aims to settle the 3 million Syrian refugees in Turkey into this region to ultimately wipe out the identity and demography of the region. Turkey wants to repeat its Afrin scenario in North and East Syrian lands under the pretext of border security.”