DEM Party: Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom must be ensured

The DEM Party Assembly final declaration said that “In order for Abdullah Öcalan to fulfill his decisive mission, health, security and free working conditions, with priority given to his physical freedom, are of vital importance.”

The final declaration of the Party Assembly meeting held in Ankara stated that while the economic, social and political developments in the region and the world were evaluated, political and organizational goals were determined in light of the findings made, and decisions were made regarding the program of struggle.

The final declaration of the DEM Party meeting particularly emphasized the need for an "honorable peace," noting that, if achieved, it would benefit not only Turkey but the entire Middle East.

The AKP-MHP government was left out of the equation

The declaration, which pointed out the seriousness of the conflicts in Palestine and Lebanon and the Iran-Israel tension, stated that "Turkey and Kurdistan are right in the middle of this region as well as of multiple equations. The AKP-MHP government, which has been trying to crash the achievements of the peoples of Rojava, Northern and Eastern Syria for years, by sending and preparing mercenaries in the occupied territory, is on the agenda. The occupation and annexation policies towards South Kurdistan have reached a serious impasse. The AKP-MHP government, which has been left out of the equation in the developments in the Middle East with its expansionist and colonialist policies, has left the people of Turkey face to face with a dangerous political reality. The policies of war, profiteering and plunder that have been pursued have created a danger of social decay and collapse."

Solution discussions are positive but…

The declaration, which also evaluated the "normalization" discourses that have come back to the agenda, stated: "Our party, which has been struggling to grow the anti-war front and to socialize the demand for peace by paying a great price for years, will not allow normalization discourses to be used to conceal the current problems targeting our people. It is positive that solution discussions have come back to the agenda. However, it is clear that rehashing the ‘taking over’ discourses of the past will not contribute either to the solution to the Kurdish question, which is a political, historical and social problem, or the problems of Turkey.

Our party values ​​all interlocutors and parties for the solution to social problems, and believes that the real solution will be possible not by waiting for the government but by building an organized process in which all workers and oppressed segments and peoples of Turkey participate, and has been fighting for this for years.

The DEM Party is in favor of a fair, democratic solution based on the equality of peoples; we defend peace, a democratic constitution, freedom and a democratic republic. On this basis, if there is to be a solution in Turkey, it is essential for society to organize around the demand for peace and democracy, to take action with all its dynamics, to be involved in the process and to take the initiative. Peace cannot only be between political parties and parties involved in the conflict; social support is also necessary. Therefore, a permanent solution must be built with the common will and struggle of the people."

The first step is lifting isolation

The DEM Party added: "In order for peace and solution to become a genuine option, one of the first and most important steps is to lift isolation, which is a special war law practice against Mr. Abdullah Öcalan.

Mr. Öcalan's critical and decisive role in the execution and management of past solution processes is indisputable. Although the last meeting with Mr. Öcalan [on 23 October], which broke the absolute lack of communication after 43 months, is important and positive; isolation continues. As Mr. Öcalan himself stated, ‘If the conditions are right, I have the theoretical and practical power to move this process from the ground of conflict and violence to the legal and political ground’. Therefore, ensuring health, security and free working conditions, as well as physical freedom, is of vital importance for this decisive mission to be fulfilled and for the path to social peace to be opened. The ground for negotiation and dialogue can only be genuine, permanent and inclusive if it is established under free and equal conditions."

Peace is the most urgent need

The DEM Party continued: "We believe that peace is the most urgent need not only for the Kurdish people but for all the people of Turkey and the Middle East. An honorable peace to be achieved in Turkey will also be peace for the entire Middle East, where people have been pitted against each other for centuries and which has essentially become a center of war. The difficulties of building a permanent, just and honorable peace and the intermittent and volatile nature of this path, which sometimes includes conflicting processes, are known from world experience.

Our party, which has been fighting for the people to live together on equal grounds and in peace for decades, will resolutely fulfill its responsibility today, as it did yesterday, to create the conditions for living together and to increase the hope for peace. Informing the people about the benefits of peace, explaining the necessity of peace and showing that the struggle for a democratic republic is essential are among our primary goals.

We continue to fight with determination for a future where all people can live an equal, free and honorable life, and we call on all political and social segments to support and reclaim the possibilities for peace for a just and democratic solution to the Kurdish question and for freedom."