DEM Party deputies hold public meeting in Vienna

DEM Party Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit and Antalya MP Saruhan Oluç spoke about the latest developments in Turkey and North Kurdistan after the 31 March local elections.

DEM Party Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit and Antalya MP Saruhan Oluç organised a public meeting in Vienna.

The public meeting in the Austrian capital started with a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs who fell in the month of May.

Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit, in her speech in the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish, stated that she brought "warm" greetings from Van in May, the "month of martyrs". Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit commemorated the martyrs and said "their way is our way".

Sayyiğit emphasised the resistance of the Peace Mothers and Saturday Mothers on the occasion of Mother's Day and wished for a free and democratic life in the four parts of Kurdistan.

Drawing attention to the isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit said, "This isolation is neither legal, moral nor conscientious. In addition to this isolation, there have been no meetings with lawyers or his family for 38 months. We, as members of the parliament, have submitted an application and asked about the isolation. They answered us that there was no isolation. We say, yes, it is no longer isolation, there is a situation that exceeds this. There is a state of absolute incommunicado."

"This isolation is being imposed because of Mr Öcalan's ideas for peace and freedom," the MP said and cited the Rojava model as an example.

Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit also emphasised the resistance carried out by prisoners for months and said that this resistance was carried in the form of hunger strike until 4 April, and then continued as a boycott of lawyer and family visits.  

Antalya MP Saruhan Oluç reminded the 31 March local elections and said, "We completed the local elections by going through a difficult period." Stating that efforts were made to liquidate local government and local politics, Oluç said, "It was an election result in which the liquidation plan was frustrated. It is very important in this respect."

"Let us use democratic peace and democratic solution together to bring about a peaceful outcome," Oluç said, adding: "However, in the event that they do not take the extended hand, we know how to fight and resist.”