Demand arrest for Taksim Solidarity members

Demand arrest for Taksim Solidarity members

12 out of 60 people who had been taken into custody in Taksim on Monday have been referred to court on Thursday. 38 others have been released after bearing testimony to police.

Those referred to court with demand arrest are accused of being members of an illegal organization.

Among those demanded to be arrested are TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) member Mücella Yapıcı, EMEP (Labor Party) co-president Ender İmrek, HDK (People's Democratic Congress) member Ali Çerkezoğlu, Akif Burak Atlar, Kamil Tekerek, Beyza Metin, Sabri Orcan, Süleyman Solmaz, Haluk Ağabeyoğlu, Mustafa Aytaç, Aral Demircan and Erdem Ateş.