Demirtaş: One single vote can change many things
HDP’s Presidential Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş issued a statement on his Twitter account on the June 24 elections.
HDP’s Presidential Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş issued a statement on his Twitter account on the June 24 elections.
HDP’s Presidential Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş issued a statement on his Twitter account on the June 24 elections.
The messages lawyers for Demirtaş posted today on his Twitter account @hdpdemirtas are as follows:
"There is a direct relationship between democracy and the economy. Countries that can’t build strong democracies can become rich, of course. But only the administration and the elite. But in countries with strong democracies, everybody shares in the wealth. If there is no democracy, there is no bread for the poor.
If there isn’t a transparent, accountable, law abiding, inspectable government in power, economic growth will only turn a small minority around the government into trillionaires. The AKP administration and the enriched minority around them are the most bitter example for this. Do not believe those who promise you work and food without democracy. Democracy doesn’t just protect your bread, it will protect your dignity, identity, way of life, faith, environment and culture too. It is the guarantee of our social peace. Without democracy, there can be no peace or peace of mind. There can be no bread without peace. They are all interconnected.
That is why we say peace and democracy the most. We have no single issue that we couldn’t resolve through dialogue. That is what the parliament is there for, that is why governments are formed. You go to the ballots to vote for this. We will make the parliament a place where all issues are resolved.
No citizen who votes for other parties can be our enemy. The biggest damage the AKP did was in this area. They insist on using a language that makes enemies out of brothers and neighbors. All who don’t vote for me or my party are just as much my brothers and sisters as my fellow party members. Period.
We can only and only clear this poisoned air together. We can take Turkey out of this with voluntary unions around the principles of democracy and peace, not around one man. HDP is there to create just that partnership. Give us the mandate with your votes.
As soon as we take office with your votes, we will take strong and resolute steps for democracy and peace. Turkey will turn into a strong model as a country of great peace domestically and abroad. Then those who left the country to find work or fled the polarization will return.
Our country isn’t in the remote arctic, or the arid desert. We live on the richest lands on earth. But we are among the poorest. Isn’t there something wrong with that? We have the biggest treasure in the world, but they ask us to be satisfied with dry cake and bagels. Shouldn’t we put a stop to this nonsense?Have you ever seen a leader of a developed country shout “We built roads, we built bridges”? The government’s fundamental duty is to provide services that are needed. Doing what they should and then bragging about it is both shameful and embarassing. One would think he did it with his own money :)
Don’t trust your vote to the one who mocks your intelligence. 1 SINGLE VOTE, could change a lot of things. Millions of votes are all 1 SINGLE VOTEs coming together. It can only change with you, let’s say 1 vote for HDP 1 vote for Demirtaş so we can have nicer things than dry cake and bagels.
Be sure, absolutely sure to go to the ballots. You heard it out of his own mouth that a certain somebody’s true goal is to push the HDP below the threshold. Vote for the HDP, dismantle the conspiracy. Vote for the HDP, and our country will win. With my wishes for beautiful days, I salute you all with love and respect."